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"how come you never talk about your mom ?" cameron questioned flow as they headed towards his car. "because there is nothing worth talking about" flow told him wanting to avoid the subject about her mother even though it was inevitable.

"i find that hard to believe" he told her, having heard her and mother on the phone last night. it seemed like they had a great relationship because flow was laughing and carrying on a great conversation with her.

"why ?" flow asked. "because last night you was on the phone with her for a long ass time. seems to me like you two have a good relationship"

"well i guess." flow hunched her shoulders. "so yeah, why don't you bring her up. i mean what does she have to say about you being pregnant ?"

"what is she supposed to say ?" flow questioned pushing her hand in her jacket pocket.

"i don't know. is she mad, happy , sad. what ?" he asked wanting to know truly.

"she is fine with it. wishes me all the best" flow answered him trying to remain vague.

"did she offer to help you out ? "

huffing flow stopped in her tracks. "why are you asking about her ?" she questioned him.

"because i want to know. i mean we know how my parents feel about it. we definitely know how your dad feels about it , but your mother i have no clue. i haven't heard you mention the woman not once and i don't see why since it is like you guys have a seemingly good relationship"

"wow. you are so off" flow laughed at him. "my mom and i have the most complex relationship ever" flow almost wanted to giggle.

"what you mean ?" cameron asked

"i mean that her and i have the most complex relationship. you know difficult, hard to explain"

"how so ?"

"we just. we --" hunching her shoulders flow didn't even want to really get into all of it. "its like we're great most of the times and then i don't know. just there is a lot that i really don't want to get into " flow told him.

"why are you so guarded ?" cameron questioned as he noticed flow was. it was as if he had to pull teeth to get her to open up with him about things and didn't see why, because she had no problem telling him about himself and voicing her opinion.

"like when you ask me questions i tell you. you know almost everything about my parents. and you definitely know about me now, only thing i know about you is how you are now.. but like your child hood , your family you act like you don't have none ?"

"that is because i really don't. only person i really have is my grandmother and that is where i was going to stay when my dad kicked me out" flow told him.

"well what about your moms ?" cameron asked.

staring at him flow sighed. "look i don't like talking about my parents okay" flow told him.

"why not ? "

"because- " flow spoke trying to find an excuse.

"because what ? "

"because there is a lot of shit in my life i just try to forget. there is a lot of things i choose not to remember.and i won't bring them up not to a stranger at least" flow told him.

"i ain't a stranger flow. not the least bit" cameron laughed.

rolling her eyes she scuffed "well i just don't want to talk about it"

"damn. your acting like your folks did some ill shit towards you or ruined your life"

"cameron just drop it" flow told him

"no i want to know. i want to know . i don't see why i can't." he pressed going on about flow and her stubbornness.

"my mother is dying OKAY" flow finally screamed admitting to herself for the first time out loud. admitting it to cameron.

"i don't talk about my mother because she has cancer and it is not something that is easy to deal with. i don't talk about my childhood because it was miserable. because i didn't have much of one. i don't have great memories because my entire childhood was spent in and out of the hospital. i don't talk about her because even though she is my mother and i love her i also resent her for putting me through all the shit she did. she made me out to be a damn guinea pig for my sister. who by the way is dead. "

"and it is because of me in some way because i was her number one donor. my mother deprived me of a childhood because she wanted my sister to survive. so yeah, she did do some ill shit towards me. i went through some very painful shit , shit kids shouldn't have gone through in order for my sister to live. my mom sacrificed me. so yeah, excuse me for not wanting to share. for not wanting to bring that up. for being so fucking GUARDED" flow cursed

staring at her speechless, cameron just stood there. turning around from him flow left him there to himself in utter disbelief

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