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coming out of his dad's office cameron headed into the kitchen where his mother was. grabbing a bottle of gatorade from the fridge he went to go throw it out in a cup.

"so when do you start ?" angie asked cameron

"friday" cameron answered his mother taking a seat on one of the stools that were around the counter top.

"this is going to be interesting" she laughed referring to cameron working for his father's landscaping company "matter a fact it is going to make history. fly boy cameron, star point guard planting roses. HA ! you will be the talk of facebook" his mother teased him.

making up his face at his mother cameron brushed her off as he could take being teased ,especially from his mother. besides he was a firm believer in if one could dish it then they could take it.

"you funny" he told her. "i know i am" angie laughed. "but anyways, your going to finally see how hard we work." she told cameron. "how much hours you got to put in order to make a buck. maybe now you'll know the value of a dollar. won't go blowing four hundred dollars on a wallet"

"ma' that was like once. and i was sixteen. i gave you back half" cameron told her.

"right cameron. i am still paying off the bill for the gucci backpack you bought." angie shot back.

"thought you said it was a birthday gift. why you complaining ?" he asked angie.

"you know what you right. why am i complaining ?" she asked him laughing. "especially when your about to work your ass off. cause you know your dad ain't gon' treat you like a son right?" she asked him.

"don't remind me" cameron grunted as he recalled once when he went to help his father out because he was short a hand, james ended up making cameron do all of the work because he didn't want his workers to think that he was going to be easy on cam' because he was his son. so it was going to be hell now that he was actually working for him.

going to say something to cameron, angie was cut off by flow coming to the entrance of the kitchen.

"good evening angie" flow bid her as she had just come off of work. "good evening flow." she tossed back smiling at flow as she had become very fond of her.

"you heard the news ?" she then asked her.

"what news ?" flow asked taking off her name tag. "cameron got a job" angie announced.

"oh you did. where ?" flow asked him

"for his dad."

"oh" flow chimed "that is good" she spoke forcing a smile.

looking at the expression on her face angie could see that flow wasn't in that good of a mood.

"what is the matter. why you sound so down ?" angie asked.

"i am just tired. as a matter a fact i am just going to go and take a nap" flow told her taking her eyes from cameron's . "okay then" angie tossed back at her as she walked out of the kitchen.

turning to cameron, angie raised her brows. "if anyone should have been excited you got a job it should be her. i thought she would have jumped to the roof"

"yeah i did too. but she hasn't been in too much of a good mood." cameron admitted to his mother.

"why is that ?" she asked. "what did you do ?" she then added.

"why i had to have done something ?"

throwing cameron a glare angie answered his question with just her look.

"i just asked about her mother. next thing i knew she flipped. apparently it is a touchy subject for. well i mean it is a touchy subject. her mom has cancer" cameron revealed.

"OH WOW.REALLY ?" angie asked

"yeah. terminal at that. worse her sister had it and died from it. and she was like a donor for her sister so she was in and out of the hospital"

"that is terrible" angie sympathized.

"tell me about it. i pushed her into admitting all of that to me. so now she is all distant. but i just wanted to know. "

"that poor thing. " angie shook her had "seems like she has been through hell" she then added as it was what she had gathered. agreeing with his mother cameron then got up.

"where you going ?" angie asked him

"to go lay beside my baby moms" he laughed stretching.

"hmmmph" angie hummed. watching cameron as he left the kitchen, angie only hoped her son would do right by flow. better yet, she wouldn't mind if he and flow just got together already

feeling the weight of cameron's body press down on the bed flow laid on her side unmoving.

"i know you ain't a sleep" he told her. "so don't even pretend"

"i am not pretending i was asleep till' you slammed the damn door when you came in" flow grunted hating how heavy his hand was.

"it wasn't me. i keep telling you that door just does that on its own"

"whatever" flow hissed.

"anyways, how was your day at work ?" he asked her.


"just fine ?" he asked.


"what did you eat ?" he then asked.

"what do you really want to know cameron ?" flow questioned knowing he was going to eventually ask what he wanted to know.

"well i don't really want to know anything. i just came to apologize. i am tired of you being so ...so distant. and i am sick of walking on eggshells and you pushing me off the bed"

"i push you off the bed because you insist on being all up on my ass" flow corrected him.

"what can i say. i like holding on to things." cameron laughed going to touch flow's butt.

"don't" flow told him throwing him a glare.

touching her ass anyway cameron grabbed it. slapping him flow looked up at him. "i am not playing with you. don't do that" she warned him shoving his hand.

"flow quit acting. let me grab it " cameron told her.

"stop" she whined as he tried to.

pulling flow's hand cameron told her to stop resisting him.

unable to help herself flow begun to laugh when he started tickling her neck.

"your so disgusting !" flow then shrieked when cameron licked her breast through her t-shirt.

trying to shove him away flow was done playing with him. "don't get tight" he told her laughing. "i am done playing with you" flow told him turning around.

"oh don't get all mad at a nigga" cameron hissed "i am gon' leave you alone now to sleep." he told her climbing over and getting off the bed.

"GOOD" flow told him.

turning towards her cameron went to go give her a kiss on her cheek. "i am sorry" he apologized reaching for her cheeks.

turning around before his lips hit her cheek flow went to go ask him what was he apologizing for, but instead ended up kissing him.

pulling from one another after a moment , the two realized themselves. staring at flow speechless , cameron didn't know what to say.

clearing her throat to break the awkward silence between them flow tried to brush it off. "well i have to go pee" she told him flying up. turning on his heels cameron scurried out the room both of them ruffled

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