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someone had once told her that love was the most painful shit she would ever experience. and all she could ever remember thinking was how could that be ? how could love hurt anybody ? 

but obviously it could. because it did hurt her. 

getting out of her car flow headed inside feeling guilty for having neglected her home, but knowing she needed to do it. 

catching her balance once arie slammed into her wrapping her small arms around flow's waist elated to see her, flow ran her hand over her hair. laughing at arie's glee despite the fact that she was one second away from flooding the house with her tears. 

kneeling before arie flow looked her in eye fighting her emotions as she spoke 

"auntie shay is in the car. she is waiting to go take you out for ice cream" flow told her 

"REALLY ?" arie questioned 

"yes really." flow told her 

"SWEET" arie hissed as it was her new cool word 

standing to her feet flow watched as arie ran out to the car with shay in it. waving when as shay pulled out flow bit down on her lip as the tears came out of guilt as she knew when arie returned home things would never be the same 

heading into the living room where cameron was flow didn't even bother to place her bag down as there was no need for it. 

turning around at seeing flow, cameron's emotions begun to go awry. 

"is she gone ?" he asked her in reference to arie. 

"yeah" flow told him. 

nodding his head cameron rose to his feet a feeling washing over him that he could not quite put into words. 

"you really want to go through with this ?" he asked her his voice coarse. 

nodding her head yes flow then some how managed to let a yes escape her mouth . 

biting down on his lip cameron tried his hardest to refrain from letting the tears fall, but to no avail. reaching his hand up to his face he wiped his tears never looking at flow. 

"can we try to work it -" 

"no" flow told him feeling as if there was nothing worth working out. feeling the need to throw in the towel 

"maybe if we just sit and talk this out again" he suggested unable to come to terms with the fact that the relationship was over. that she had ended things. 

"no." flow told him as there was no more sitting down and trying to talk it out. they had done all the talking they could do and it had gotten them no where. 

nodding his head cameron knew there was nothing else he could do as she had made it clear from the conversation they had upon her hiatus that there was no coming back after this. she was done. she could not do it anymore and honestly he knew within himself he could not blame her

"i'll go get my stuff" he told her using the back of his hand to wipe his nose 

"yeah" flow sniffled figuring it was best for him to do that. that it was best for him to leave before arie came home as neither of them could afford breaking it to her that they were no longer together

moving pass flow cameron headed inside their bedroom where most of his things had already been packed up. grabbing a suitcase filled with his clothes and a back pack he headed out their bedroom 

"i'll come by when arie's at school for the rest of my stuff" he told flow as she stood by the door. nodding her head flow ran her hand over her cheek wiping away her tears. 

standing there for a moment silent fell upon both of them. lingering there for a moment cameron waited for her to say something,anything. nodding his head when she didn't he turned around 

"wait" she called after him 

turning on his heels upon hearing that cameron's heart raced. 

"don't forget this" flow told him taking his grandmother's ring from off her finger and handing it back to him 

taking the ring from her cameron's heart faltered as he realized that this time they were truly over. 

moving from the door without another word as he knew there was no coming back cameron headed towards his car as flow slammed the door shut neither ever looking back at the other 

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