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"is he serious ?" cameron asked flow as he stood outside of her bedroom watching her pack. looking up at him flow was really now becoming annoyed with his questions.

"don't you see me packing ?" she asked him wondering why the hell had he even showed up. wondering where the hell she was going to go.

stepping into her room cameron came beside her. "i mean like don't he want to talk about it. is he really going to kick you out over this ?" he asked puzzled at the fact that her father would just put her out like that.

laughing at him flow just shook her head wondering if he was really serious with that question. "your acting like he caught us having sex. i am pregnant" flow reminded him of the obvious fact. "so it is thatserious" she hissed at him zipping up her suitcase making sure she had all the things she thought she would need.

pulling it from off of her bed flow slipped out of her bed slippers and into a pair of sneakers grabbing her wallet and back pack off of her desk and heading out of the room.

doing just as her father told her she left his keys under the mat after she locked the door, not sure if she would ever return or could

sitting silent in cameron's car the tears just sort of came out of no where. crying flow didn't know what else to do as she was just so upset, sad - confused and on top it all pregnant.

"why are you crying now ?" cameron asked. turning to him flow looked at him like he was crazy. "gee i don't know maybe because i just got kicked out of my house" flow retorted bringing her hands up to her face.

nodding cameron should have expected that as he realized it was a dumb question on is part. "oh. well where are you going to go ?" he asked flow not about to drive around aimlessly in her part of town with no direction.

"i don't know" flow told him. "i don't know" she repeated not being able to think of one good place to go for the moment. her mind on blank as she hadn't even expected to get kicked out.

"well you got to tell me. i ain't about to be driving around here just driving." cameron told her. scuffing at him flow could not believe how insensitive he sounded.

"your so UGH" she shrieked looking at him. "just take me to the fucking train station" she demanded of him regretting that her piece of shit honda was in the shop. it was always in the damn shop.

"YO" cameron chuckled. "where did that come from ?" he asked her caught off guard with her cursing at him. "i was just letting you know i wasn't going to be driving around here. you know how your part of town be" cameron told her.

rolling her eyes flow didn't even feel like getting into anything with him further. "like i said just take me to the train station." she told him in finality.

"that is like a forty five minute drive" cameron stated not about to take her all the way to the tri-rail in wee hours of the morning. turning to him flow was quickly becoming pissed off.

"are you serious ?" flow asked him. "hell yeah i am serious" cameron told her. "oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH" flow begun to cry again frustrated with him and mad as hell now. beginning to curse at cameron she just lost it.

hearing nothing but a bunch of jibber jabbering cameron let her have her moment just sitting back while she acted a fool. "you done now?" he asked when flow calmed down enough for him to get a word in.

wiping her tears flow felt a headache coming on. starting up his car cameron pulled out of the parking space he was in all the while she sat silent.

pulling on her seat belt flow turned her face from him looking out the window watching as she drove away from her home. turning her face forward flow couldn't help but feel so out of it like she had been for the past couple of weeks.

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