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falling into the chair flow let out a grunt as her legs were tired. shaking her head no when arie came towards her still wanting to play flow honestly could not go another round with her. "i can't arie. i am tired" she told her at arie still wanting her to chase her.

"hmmm" angie hummed at flow as arie ran off towards her grand father who was walking out of his office when she realized her mother wasn't paying her any attention.

"hmmm what ?" flow asked turning to angie as she stirred the pot of spaghetti sauce.

"what got you so tired ?" angie questioned flow never turning her back from stirring.

"i had a late night last night" flow answered reaching into the fruit bowl to grab an apple as she was famished and beat due to the fact that she had hardly recovered from the events that occurred with her and cameron. and by events she meant the many round's that took place as they literally did it from the windows to the wall. smiling to herself at the thought flow zoned off into her own world.

"so i take it you and cameron had a good time?" angie asked her. snapping from her thoughts at hearing angie, the apple flow was eating almost got stuck in her throat immediately. coughing as she tried to clear her air way flow blinked profusely.

"what ?" she questioned at angie's question when she regained her composure.

"oh flow come on" angie shook her head "don't try to play me. you come here your legs don't even know which one to go in front of the other. you can't run around with arie, your tired. not to mention you had a 'late night' just like cameron cause' i didn't hear him come back till' this morning and that was when he came to get his bags to leave. and i know you two were up to something because he can't even think to stay the night at your place. but yet he strolled up in here some eight o' clock" angie told her giving the flow a look that said 'i ain't stupid' "besides you got the look all over your face. i see it all up on you . look at it" angie told her pointing her finger at flow and moving it around

"whatever" flow rolled her eyes playfully laughing as she couldn't deny it.

"exactly" angie nodded her head "your milkshake brought him to the yard boy"

"you are so lame !" flow told her pressing her hands over her mouth and laughing.

"child boo" angie waved her off " i keep telling you i am from the three o' five i ain't lame, i stay live" angie snapped her fingers.

laughing at her flow couldn't do anything else.

"anyways, what does this mean for you two ?" she then questioned flow leaning up against the counter.

"what do you mean ?" flow asked ceasing her laughter.

"i mean are you two getting back together or was that a moment of sheer weakness ? a mistake or were you just trying to scratch the monkey on your back ?" she asked flow.

"the monkey on my back . wow - "

"don't try to avoid the subject cause' it ain't gon' work." angie told flow straight up. "now are you getting back with him or what ?" she asked.

falling silent flow hadn't even really given much thought to the after math of her actions with him as she was still relishing the moments between them. then again neither had a chance to bring up the issue as cameron had flown back to l.a because he had a game. therefore, she hadn't heard from him to even give it some thought

"i don't know" she told angie with much honesty.

"do you want to be with him ?" angie her asked.

"you want the truth ?" flow questioned.

throwing her a side eye angie answered flow with only her stare.

"a part , well almost all of me wants to be with him. wants to give this another shot because truth be told there isn't anyone else out there for me. no one else i could see myself with, but a little part of me" flow spoke putting her thumb and pointing finger together to emphasize the tiny part of her that held her doubt " doesn't for the simple fact that i don't know if our relationship will ever be the same. and as much as i would love to be with him he just fucked up my trust for him. and not due to the girls, because honestly they may come but they will definitely GO. however, i don't know if he will leave me. i can't say for sure without a doubt that our relationship will be ever lasting because i don't know if he is going to walk out on me. i don't know if when things get rough he will still want to be around ya' know ?" flow questioned rhetorically " i mean i know he claims he learned his lesson and blah blah. but i just don't feel secure enough to be with him and that for me is ...hmmmph" flow shook her head

"i understand what your saying" angie told her as she did. "but you have to give him a chance. i see what your saying with the trust but flow no matter what relationship you go in there is a chance that it won't work. and seeing as how you don't see yourself with someone else, you love cameron greatly and deeply it definitely will not then. it is clear as day to anyone that you love him flow and that he loves you so why not just get back together and work on it. hell go to therapy if you two have to. just give him the chance to prove himself. and i know it sounds like it easier said than done, but flow you and i both know you wouldn't be happy with anyone else other than him. any other relationship you go into you would just be settling, better yet living a lie. so why not save yourself and the next person and just go for this ?" angie asked her

"because i cannot trust him to not walk out me" flow answered quickly as she felt all that angie was saying was great, but at the end of the day she couldn't answer that question of whether nor cameron would stick it out with her when times were rough as she knew there was a chance that it could be again.

"flow i don't believe cameron is going to walk out on you. i mean if he hasn't given up by now he is in this for the long haul. believe me" angie nodded her head "and you know how i know ?" she asked

"how ?" flow questioned.

"he allowed you to go on a date with that guy while he baby sat" she told flow. raising her brows flow had a look as if to say ' okay'. "you really think he wanted you to go on that date with that guy ?" angie asked.

"i mean-"

"flow puhlease. before cameron left to go by your house he was pasting the kitchen floors losing it. as a matter a fact he was never content with you dating him in the first place. but he did it and still hung around. now for him , for any man that is a big gamble because he could of lost you flow. that was his biggest fear, he feared that this guy would take you from him. and i know i am not suppose to tell you this, but that very night you told him how you felt he came straight to me in tears . couldn't believe he hurt you the way he did. couldn't believe he fucked up bad. cried because he realize that there was a strong possibility that you and him wouldn't be. and you know what that showed me ?" angie asked

"what ?" flow questioned

"showed me he truly learned. showed me that he wasn't trying to get back with you just because he know he fucked up and was just trying to fix it. for cameron to cry it takes something deep and dear to him to evoke those emotions. he has only cried two times in his entire life" angie told her holding up her fingers "when his grandmother died and you know he love him some nana-mo. and the second was for you" she told her "so what does that say ?" she asked flow

falling silent flow just stared at angie because she knew where she was coming from . she got what she was saying

"think about it." angie told her "because to be honest to find the good ol kind of love that you two have is quite rare." angie told her leaving the kitchen so that flow could let what she said marinate

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