is it enough

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  i love him shay i really do. there is no doubt about that in my mind, but -"

"but what more is there flow ? you know you love him. you know he loves you. i mean how much more can he do to show that he wants to be there- will be there ?" shay questioned.

"you just don't under-"

"don't tell me i don't understand" shay hissed cutting flow from her sentence. "like cut the shit flow. DAMN" shay grunted. "i am so sick of you with this you don't understand bullshit. like i don't get you. you don't want people to treat you a certain way because of your past, you want to act like it doesn't exist. yet you use it when it is convenient for you. like make up your fucking mind" shay cursed "if you say that your okay and your fine why are you still holding on to what happened to you as a kid huh flow ? i mean shit i ain't saying what you went through wasn't horrific. and i get where your coming from flow, but not every fucking body wants to abandon you. not everyone is going to leave you flow. you have people who fucking care for you, so why not let them ? why be so guarded" shay asked hitting the nail on the head. as she knew flow's true fear was cameron leaving her when things got rough.

falling silent at shay's outburst flow was taken a back as shay had never spoken to her like that.

"like flow really and truly your my girl. and i generally agree with you on most shit, but this one is so FUCKING ridiculous. like you claim you don't want to hurt him and your looking out for him, but in truth flow you aren't. don't you see your hurting him more by pushing him away ? like don't you see that it is not him abandoning you. it is you leaving him ?" shay questioned not really expecting an answer.

"flow let him love you. let him prove himself. let him be there for you. you don't have to go through things alone man. you don't always have to be the one fighting battles on your own." shay sighed "you don't" shay shook her head

standing there with her arms crossed flow said nothing. grabbing her purse shay stood to her feet

"don't let your mother take this away from you flow. please" shay told her knowing that flow's true fear was that cameron would hurt her in the long run. knowing that if anything she feared dying with a bitter soul like her mother all because things didn't work out the way she wanted with flow's father

looking down when she felt arie climbing onto her legs flow peered down at her. looking into arie's eyes flow could see cameron as clear as day in her features. easing down she picked her up as shay's words repeated over and over in her mind

cheer up. it is just one game you guys are in perfect standing to come back" flow told cameron via the skype session they were having.

"i guess" cameron sighed as he was down seeing as how the lakers had lost a big game against their rivals.

"well i guess my words of encouragement can't take you out of your funk. but maybe something else will" she smiled

"like what ?" cameron asked.

"like the fact that i want to work things out with you. i want to be with you, better yet i want to go out on a date with you when i come to l.a in a few hours" flow told him

pausing for a second cameron then hissed his teeth. "don't play with me alright flow" he told her not in the mood for any foolishness. worse about her joking about them getting back together only for her to come with some having second thoughts bullshit.

"i am not joking" flow told him no hint of comedy on her face.

looking into the screen cameron sat silent reading her face.

"are you serious ?" he asked a smile coming at the corner of his lips instantly.

"dead serious" flow nodded her head.

"give me one second" cameron begged getting out of the chair he was sitting in.

jumping when she heard a loud scream coming from cameron flow had to place her hand over her heart as he had startled her.

coming back to his seat cameron had a big smile just present on his face.

"are you okay ?" she asked him

"i am FUCKING GREAT" he answered. "OH MY GOD YO. you have no idea how long i've been waiting to hear this shit. YES !" he spoke throwing his hands up. "there is a GOD"

"okay" flow chuckled "anyways, there is some conditions to this" she told him.

"what ?" he questioned knowing that he would agree to anything she demanded.

"i'll tell you about it all when i get to l.a."

"what time are you coming in ?" he asked

"i'll be there around seven" flow answered.

"that is like a million hours away from now. you want me to put you on a jet ?" he questioned "i'll call up yazzi right now and tell him to gas that shit up." cameron told her reaching for his phone.

"nope that is fine." flow told him "besides it will give you enough time to plan a super spectacular date for you and i. i don't want no mcdonalds shit" she told him shaking her head in a no manner.


"better not be. anyways, i have to go i have to get my hair done." she told him

"okay" cameron agreed still in shock at all that she had said.

"cameron" she called his name moving closer to the camera.

"yeah ?" he answered

"i love you. okay. i love you with all of me" she spoke with much sincerity.

"i love you too" cameron told her his eyes dazed as a feeling that he could not feel just washed over him.

"see you in a bit boo" flow told him getting up out of her seat and standing over it.

"yes BOO" cameron called out jumping out of his seat. laughing when he begun to dance flow just shook her head hoping that all would work out as it was the only thing she could do

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