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cringing flow could not help it as she watched the fifteen year old girl giving birth on the t.v cry out in agony. "oh turn it off" she begged cameron as she could see how much pain the girl was in.

putting her hand over her mouth she felt like she was about to cry when the girl begun to cry as if someone had killed her mother or something. "chill" cameron told flow. "it is just a show"

"it is reality" she told him when he finally changed the channel. "she is so much pain" she spoke shaking her hands as she was trying to calm her nerves.

"that doesn't mean it is going to be like that for you" cameron tried to ease her mind.

throwing him a side eye flow didn't want to hear that. "she is getting a hand shoved up her pussy, having contractions - it is the same for every body" flow told him.

"still. she is young , her body ain't ready for that big ass baby she bout' to deliver you know those mexicans are giant"

"not helping" flow told him easing up and trying to make herself comfortable. "i think i want a c-section. i just can't deal with that" flow told him placing her hands on either side of her face the fear of the pain she would be feeling frightening her. memories of her past haunting her.

"what are you scared of ? they are going to give you that thing. you should be good. it ain't as bad as your making it look"

"well easy for you to say your not the one about to push a baby out of you cameron." flow told him. "gosh, you could be so fucking insensitive at times" flow then griped putting her feet over the bed sliding off the bed as it was getting harder and harder for her to pick herself up.

"aww what did i do now ?" cameron asked catching flow's attitude realizing she was upset with him. then again, it wasn't a strange thing anymore as she was very moody and bitchy as she became closer to her due date.

"nothing" flow hissed looking down for her slippers. grunting when she saw cameron's work shoes she turned up to him . "what did i tell you about this ?" flow asked him holding onto the bed and picking up his dirt clad timberland boots.

rolling his eyes in his mind cameron knew it was coming. "you can't walk in here with them ! i told you about that. you know how much germs is on this ?" she asked cameron taking his shoes and tossing it out their bedroom door. "stop bringing them in HERE "she screamed at him.

"i was tired" cameron told her. "the last fucking thing i think about when i get off work is how much frigging germs is traveling on the bottom of my foot" cameron cursed "all i want to do is come in my bed and take a damn nap. is something wrong with that flow ? is something wrong with being tired ?" he questioned her sarcastically.

"well i am tired too. but at least i still have enough energy to pick up after my damn self. to pick up after you . do laundry and all that shit. do i leave dishes in the sink for you ? huh cameron do you come home and find that you have dirty clothes and nothing to eat ?" she asked him

hissing his teeth cameron said nothing.

"thought so. don't tell me anything about being tired. until you've lugged around a fucking stomach and do the other shit you do then you can talk about being fucking tired. don't bring your shoes back in here. the next time you do i am not going to tell you again i am going throw them in the garbage" flow told him walking out with the other foot.

mimicking her cameron made up his face silently cursing her.

"i see you" flow told him as she caught his reflection through the dresser window. "and i am telling you now if i see your work clothes in the regular laundry it is going to be hell in here" she tossed over her shoulder.

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