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watching cameron, flow felt terrible about what had gone down with madison and even though she wasn't solely responsible it really didn't matter.

"i'm sorry" she apologized to him almost out of no where, but having not been able to help it as she just felt guilty. easing up from where he was laying cameron turned to her.

"about what ?" he asked her. "madison" she told him. hissing his teeth cameron waved her off. "don't even worry about that." he told flow shaking it off. "it is just what it is" he then added knowing it was his fault why madison left. knowing he was responsible for what was going on between her and him. and that is why he apologized to her about it and that was all he could do. if she wanted to work things out then she could hit him up, but he wasn't about to go cry over spilt milk. he wasn't like that

"okay" flow hissed seeing that he didn't want to discuss it.

continuing to fold their laundry flow then smiled. "what you smiling for ?" cameron asked her as he fluffed up his pillow to make him self comfortable. "i am just excited that we get to see the baby tomorrow" flow told him seeing that she was scheduled to have an ultrasound

"oh yeah" cameron remembered. "its at one right ?" he asked her. nodding her head flow made it known that he was correct. "okay cool. i'll be there" he told her making sure he made a mental note to leave conditioning early.

biting down on her lip flow could not help the feeling that over came her. not being able to hold her big smile in she couldn't stop.

"what ?" cameron asked again. "nothing" she told him. "no say it" he pressed.

"its just that. its nice that your showing interest. it makes me really happy" she blushed. smiling at flow cameron couldn't help it.

"can i touch it ?" he then asked her. "touch what ?" flow asked him as he pushed his hand towards her. "your stomach" he told flow. looking down at her belly flow hunched her shoulders "if you want to"

going to touch her stomach cameron placed his hand on it. then poked it. jumping back as it tickled flow giggled. "you think its a boy ?" he asked her. "i don't know. it could be a girl or boy just as long as the baby is healthy" she told him.

feeling her stomach cameron nodded his head. "its a boy. i know." cameron chimed leaning back on the pillow. "my son" he nodded his head staring at the ceiling, wishing tomorrow was at the moment. smiling none the less he was excited just as flow

looking at the monitor flow felt like tearing up as she saw her baby moving. placing her hand over her mouth as the doctor ran the ultrasound over her stomach show casing parts of the baby her eyes were watering out of pure joy.

"that is the head and right there is the toes" the doctor pointed out to cameron and flow. "yoo" cameron spoke at seeing the baby twisting his fitted to the side.

"is it a girl or boy ?" cameron questioned flow as the doctor printed pictures for them. "i don't think they can tell right about now" flow told him as he pulled her up from where she was laying.

"no actually your far along enough that we have a pretty good idea of what the sex is" the doctor told her. "really ?" she asked. "yeah, but i don't want to ruin the surprise unless you two want to know."

falling silent cameron and flow looked at one another for a moment. "uhh i don't know" she told the doctor. "well i want to know" cameron spoke anxious to know if he was going to have a son.

"we should find out when they are one hundred percent sure what it is" flow told him happy that her baby was healthy, but not wanting to know sex to just start buying stuff for one sex when the baby was actually another.

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