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what happened ?" cameron asked her shaking her softly trying to get what happened out of her.

staring at him in a fit of tears flow couldn't even speak as her tears would not let her. "talk to me" cameron begged her.

"she cornered me in the bathroom" flow sobbed "shay told her everything cameron !" flow cried hiccuping. "..she she .." trembling flow couldn't even speak properly as her teeth clicked against one another. "she told the whole school. now i could get kicked out, my schol- OH GOD she told her that i killed my sister ...and she told the whole school" flow cried harder.

"who ?" cameron asked. "who told the school ?" he asked flow.

"madison" flow told him. "she spread it around school.she told everybody about me and professor kempt"

looking at flow, cameron's demeanor changed. looking at his expression flow didn't like what she saw. she could see he was upset. "i am so sorry." she told him assuming he was angry with her. angry that she slept with a professor.

"cameron" flow called after him trying to get him to come back into the car. shoving her hand from him cameron stormed out of his car. going after him flow wanted him to talk to her.

"cameron" flow called after him, but he was ignoring her. crying harder flow brought her hands up to her face trying to wipe her tears.

dragging the door open to the cafeteria cameron scanned the entire cafe. storming through people he didnt' give a fuck who he was bumping into . shoving a chair out of his way angrily he stormed over to where madison and few of his friends were sitting.

"yo cam' " taylor called at him seeing his demeanor.

turning around when she heard cameron's name madison turned to see him.going to go move she couldn't in time.

grabbing her by her neck cameron slammed her down on the table.

"didn't i tell you to stay the fuck out of my business ?" he asked her.

"cameron" his friends called at him .

gasping for breath madison didn't know what hit her.

"HUH BITCH?" he asked her.

"CAM man" brandon called as madison was choking. staring at her cameron didn't give a fuck he wanted to choke her to her death.

"cameron stop" flow begged him going over to him. trying to pull his hand from around madison's neck. "cameron she isn't worth it" flow told him. "brandon stop him" flow begged him. pulling cameron's hand.

releasing madison neck cameron shoved his friend's hands from him.

sitting up madison fought for air.

"i told you man" he told her "stay the fuck out of my business. i don't want you !" he screamed at her. " i am fucking done with you ! the only thing you was good for was some head. I DON'T WANT YOU . get it through your thick fucking skull. stay the fuck away from me and my baby mama are we gon' have fucking problems" he told her.

hissing his teeth cameron turned on his heels leaving everyone in pure silence.pressing her hand over her mouth flow just stood there not knowing what to do as she was scared to go after him. beginning to cry again she couldn't help but feel like it was all her fault. not only was her future was in jeopardy, but so was cameron's.

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