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"so your finally back" jumping when she heard cameron's voice, madison didn't expect to see him. didn't want to see him because she knew why he was there.

"yeah" she answered him putting down her purse on her desk. "who let you in ?"

"jaylen" he answered. "

rolling her eyes, madison figured it was that bitch as she didn't like her anyhow.

"why you haven't been answering my calls?" cameron cut to the chase. "because i was up at my parents. i didn't have my phone with me"

"well i know you saw all those calls when you finally looked at your phone.but that doesn't even matter i am glad i caught you face to face. why the fuck you playing on face book and shit. starting shit period ?" he asked her.

"what do you mean ?" she questioned him innocently.

"you know what i mean madison. you going around telling people me and you together you on face book talking shit. what is up with that ?" he asked her.

"i am on face book talking shit ?" she asked him.

"yeah not only that you going around telling people you and me back together when it isn't true. you said you and me are done" he reminded her

"no i said that we ain't together like that because we are working on our relationship. but we are still in one" she told him.

scuffing at her answer cameron then laughed "madison don't fuck with me aite' . i'm not into the game shit you know that. you made it clear that you didn't want nothing to do with me like that. so why the fuck you trying to start shit with me and flow ?" he asked her.

"why am i trying to start shit with you and flow ?" she asked taken a back.

"yeah. you telling shay all this type of fucking shit cause' you know she'll go back and tell flow and that will create problems between me and her."

"so you and flow in something ?" she asked cameron crossing her arms as all that he said implied that he and flow was more than "friends". which meant he had been lying when he said that it wasn't like that between them way back when he gave her a car ride. which meant he was probably sleeping with her way before their "incident" happened or if it was even an incident after all.

"that ain't of no concern to you" cameron told her.

"are you fucking kidding me cameron ?" she asked.

"you know i am not joking" he answered as he wasn't. as he was very quite pissed with the situation that she was highly responsible for. worse, even worried because he didn't know where the hell flow was. didn't know what would be the outcome when she came, if she came home.

"i can't believe YOU ! i can't believe after all the shit we have been through that you get this hoe pregnant while we are together and you act like our relationship ain't mean nothing and get with this bitch ! ? " she screamed instantly becoming pissed.

"whoa, no need for the raising of voice or the name calling. she never d "id shit to you" he told her

"yeah the fuck SHE DID. she fucked my MAN !" madison screamed at him.

"madison, lets not act like our relationship was all serious. if i recall ain't you the one who said that we should have an open relationship ?" cameron asked her.

"yeah, because i was giving you room to get this shit out of your system. but no you took it and ran with it. your the reason why our relationship wasn't serious"

"oh we're pointing fingers ?" cameron asked condescendingly "let me remind you that you know what the fuck was up from the jump when i got here. i gave you an option. i told you i was gon' do what i wanted to. i was going to live my fucking life. that you could stay knowing that are we could be friends. what did you CHOOSE ?" he asked her

"you are SUCH AN ASSHOLE" madison screamed at him the tears starting.

"oh turn on the water works when i speak the truth"

"you have no regards cameron. you have no conscience you don't care about anyone but your self ! i can't believe you. i can't believe how your acting when your wrong. when you got somebody pregnant ! you are so ..so UGH" she screamed. "GET OUT! " she then shouted at him.

going to go tell her a piece more of his mind cameron wanted to high light how big her fucking mouth was. he wanted to say all the shit he needed to say to her.

shoving cameron out of her room madison didn't want him there. she didn't want anything to do with him.

"FUCK YOU CAMERON !" madison screamed at him causing everyone in the dorm hall to turn around. getting angry because he knew she was making a scene being that it was pass curfew and he could get in trouble cameron decided to leave.


"FUCK YOU !" madison cursed at him. "FUCK YOU AND YOUR BITCH. WAIT TIL' I CORNER HER ASS !" madison threatened. " I HOPE YOU AND HER ROT IN FUCKING HELL TOGETHER YOU PIECE AH' SHIT !" she cursed at him as he walked out the building.

"what the fuck you guys looking at ?" she asked the audience they had gained. turning around every body went back to their business. catching shay's glance, madison pointed at her. "i got chu' you bitch !" she pointed at shay. "you better tell your fucking friend to be happy while she can. cause he isn't going NO WHERE" madison told shay . "he is MINES" she added going inside and angry and enraged swearing that when she saw flow she would fuck her up.

standing there shay didn't move. looking down at her cell phone she knew she should have called flow. she should have called and told her what had taken place. but she wouldn't. she wouldn't dare do that. after all, cameron did say to stay the fuck out of his business. and she was going to mind her own no matter the fact that she knew madison was very serious. knew that she was quick to throw a punch. knowing that she would hold true to her words

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