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"have you called your father yet to tell him the news ?" dorris questioned flow handing her a slice of home made cheesecake.

"no" flow answered her cutting into the slice with her fork .

"why not ? " dorris asked

"i don't know." flow hunched her shoulders "i guess because i think he wouldn't want to hear it. a part of me feels like he would be like 'oh your pregnant again. way to go' and i just don't want him to put a damper on my spirits" flow told her grandmother being honest

"flow you don't know how he is going to react. you always think the worse of him"

"that is because i know him grandma. besides as long as cameron is in my life he is just not going to be happy with anything that happens."

"how do you know that ?" dorris questioned her

"he said it once. he said that he will never respect cameron. which to me is crazy because it isn't like cameron did not take responsibility. like he doesn't give him credit and as long he doesn't respect cameron he and i can't have a good relationship"

"when your father said that flow he was not just talking about you getting pregnant flow. he was speaking about cameron cheating on you. that is why he cannot respect cameron" dorris clarified for flow

"yes he cheated. but i forgave him grandma -"

"just because you forgave him doesn't mean that your father can flow. i mean as much as winston carries on he loves you very much. and doesn't want to see you get hurt. and cameron hurt you and disrespected you and for that your father doesn't respect him. especially after the whole fiasco with the other girl"

"like seriously grandma everyone needs to get over this. okay what cameron did was wrong. but he took responsibility for his actions. i forgave him and quite frankly that is all that matters. at the end of the day i am who i have to answer to. and i am happy. to hell with what my father and anyone else says."

"well you don't have to use that tone with me flow. i am just telling your father's side of the story. your relationship with cameron is not for me to judge. besides i have learned a long time ago not to interfere with man and woman argument"

"i know your just telling me what they are saying grandma. but it just pisses me off that they always have negative things to say. like nothing is ever good for them especially when it comes to him. that is why i am not inviting none of their asses to my wedding"

"really ? your not inviting your father ?" dorris questioned flow knowing that flow definitely would not invite her aunt stacy and a couple other people on their side of the family, but her father.

"why should i ?" flow countered with a question "i invited him to my graduation and he did not show up. that was a big enough disappointment even though i kind of expected it but still." flow hissed tears watering eyes but she fought them "like i was the freaking valedictorian for GOD sakes. you can't get higher than that, believe me if there was something higher than that i would have worked to get it. but whatever" she shrugged her shoulders shrugging off the feeling that consumed her

"oh flow" dorris spoke reaching her hand towards flow's own and covering it.

"i am fine" flow told her grandmother fanning her eyes "i am just a little hormonal today" she spoke

"flow it is okay you know. it is okay to feel the way you feel. " dorris told her

"i know" flow nodded her head "but i just don't want to feel this way. i hate feeling this way like i have so much damn baggage" she hissed "anyways what did you have to give me" flow asked switching the subject.

smiling as she saw that flow did not want to discuss the topic at hand anymore, dorris decided to change it . "here" she told flow taking out the envelope that had been laying at the center of the table.

taking the envelope from her grandmother flow opened it. "why are you giving me this ?" flow questioned dorris holding up the emergency fund card.

"because i want you to have it" dorris told her

"why ?" flow asked

"just so if anything ever happens you have some money of your own. besides i don't want leave you without anything."

"grandma what are you getting at ?" flow asked her not liking the turn the conversation was taking.

"me and mr.peter decided that we should retire. go back to jamaica he has a nice little house down there and everything flow."

"wait, what ?" flow asked "mr.peter ? i thought you and him were friends"

smiling at what flow was saying dorris begun to blush.

"grandma NO" flow sung unable to believe it.

"sometimes a girl got to keep somethings to herself. besides i couldn't have you all up in my business. and i just didn't feel like hearing all the b.s from your aunts and uncles. i want to live my life flow. and mr.peter makes me happy." dorris told

"well grandma if he makes you happy i support you. you know that."

"you do ? you don't think i am hussy ? " dorris asked

"NO" flow laughed at her grandmother's

"okay" dorris smiled

"i am going to miss you" flow then told her after a moment.

"i am going to miss you too. but you can always come visit and i will come visit you" dorris told her

"i know. but i won't be the same" flow told her tears trickling down her cheeks. " it is going to be strange to not have your house to run to in the middle of the night when i am at my worse" flow told her sniffling. "i mean even if you were staying, but i would still feel this way regardless because we're moving to L.A and it would be so far from you. like grandma if i haven't said it before i love you so much" flow told her

"flow" dorris called her name tears coming to her own eyes.

"really grandma. like if it wasn't for you i don't where i would be. you have always been the one to be there for me. and i can't ever repay for that because somethings you did you didn't have to do. and i just want you to know that i appreciate it. i love you" flow told her

"ohhh flow" dorris cried holding onto flow "i love you so much" dorris told her "and you don't ever have to repay me because i would go to the ends of the earth for you. you are a blessing to me"

closing her eyes upon hearing that flow begun to cry harder as she was just overwhelmed with emotions

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