Got his back

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"he's never placed his hands on me not once in our entire relationship" flow told diane sawyer as she questioned flow on whether or not cameron had ever been violent towards her. "never even thought to raise it. he is the type of person who walks away from situations when he gets angry then comes back and deals with it when he has calmed down" she further elaborated.

"so how is then that this occurred with drew ?" diane questioned pushing forth.

"to be honest i can't tell you because i wasn't in the room. however, from what i know about the relationship it is that it was volatile. and i am not trying to bash her or anything, but i know that she was very jealous. i've had encounters with her were words were almost exchanged over the relationship that he and i have. which to this day i still don't understand because he and i have a child together, yet she expected him and i not to be cordial" flow spoke with truth.

"had cameron ever said anything to you about the problems he and drew were going through ?"

"he never came to me and told me, but i heard it from other places. from friends and so forth who were in his circle" flow answered

"and what did they tell you ?" diane then questioned

"that things were pretty bad. that drew was jealous. i mean i heard stories of her going off on him in public and so forth. "

"so as his friend or ex-fiance you never thought to say something to him about this relationship. wasn't there ever a moment when you were like hey someone needs to say something to him before this gets out of hand"

"whether or not i thought about doing it or did it, it really wouldn't have made a difference. i would have just came off as the jealous ex-girlfriend or something. so i just kept my peace. besides i figured he would realize it in due time. unfortunately it had to come to this. but better late than never " flow hunched her shoulders

"i want to back track for a little bit. there is a woman going around i believe her name is madison. she claims that she is an ex-girlfriend of cameron's and that he had placed his hand on her. she even goes on to say you witnessed it, can you explain that ?" diane asked

rolling her eyes flow almost wanted to hiss her teeth out loud at the fuckery that madison was going around saying.

"i don't mean to laugh" she told diane "but it is ridiculous to me how facous her story is. and how everyone is buying it. i mean her story has changed with every interview she does." flow shook her head "and it is so ridiculous how everyone is eating it up and it isn't even true"

"then what is the truth" diane pushed forth

"that there is more to the story than she is letting on."

"so are you insinuating that there is some truth to her story ? that cameron did indeed put his hands on her or rather 'choked her until she lost conciousness in front of the entire school.' "diane asked summarizing a quote from one of madison's interview.

"okay i will admit to the fact that he did hem her up, however it wasn't the way she is making it seem. yes he did grab her, but he didn't choke her until she lost consciousness. anybody who was there would tell you that. and they would also tell you that there was a series of events that lead to that moment. like her threatening me while i was pregnant at that. spreading rumors via twitter, facebook and a few other things"

"okay you said previously that he was the type of person to walk away from situations when he was angry until he calmed down. so how is it now your telling me that he choked somebody or almost even trying to justify it ?" diane asked

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