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"so what are you saying ?" cameron questioned flow as they were sitting down having a conversation over lunch.

"i am saying that you could have handled the situation a bit different" she answered in reference to him and drew going at one another.

"how so ?" he asked not seeing anyway else to get the point across to drew.

"saying what you needed to say in a different way. i mean you came off really harsh" flow told him "and i know i should probably be the last person to call you out, but cameron you really embarrassed her and not only her but yourself. i totally understand your frustration with the situation, but really babe you came across as a fucking asshole. like the way in which you reacted only confirmed what people already think of you"

"so ?" he questioned "you know i don't give a shit about what people think of me"

"i know you don't. but i am just saying that it just looks a way. how you went off on her made you seem like a heartless person when your really not. i guess what i am really trying to say is that you need to watch how you handle situations cam'. i don't want people to look at you and think that your a loose cannon or something or that your a jerk because your not. also that sometimes you know you need to take the high road" flow told him

"flow in that moment there was no way i could take the high road" cameron told her with all honesty "she came at me wrong. she has been coming at me wrong and i have tried to be civil with her. but she still doesn't get the point. get the fact that i don't want anything to do with her. like she just doesn't she just won't leave me alone -"

"and can you blame her ?" flow asked him

"huh ?" he questioned

"can you blame her for her not wanting to leave you alone. hell i can't even blame her for the way she is acting." flow told him

"what you mean ?"

"i mean cameron like i see where she is coming from. as much as you and i have moved on from the situation that occurred with her i don't believe she has and i can't fault her for that. you probably told her a whole lot of shit while you two were together and she believed it and as a result of that she is hurt. she's got to be" flow told him "not only that she must feel a way with how things have transpired. she probably felt that with her being pregnant you wouldn't be the way you are."

"am i missing something flow ?" cameron questioned "your sounding like your on her side. like your trying to justi-"

"it is not about taking sides. which i won't do because your just as wrong as she is. not to bring up things from the past, but remember you cheated with her. it takes two to tango. so you can't sit here and act like your a victim cameron. your just as much at fault as she is. besides she wouldn't be acting the way she is now if you hadn't pursued a relationship with her."

letting out a sigh cameron eased back in the chair he was sitting in.

"anyways, i am not trying to badger you or nothing like that. make you feel bad, i am just telling you how i feel towards this matter as it isn't something i can look pass. like you need to fix the situation between you and her because i feel like it is only going to get worse from here."

"so in other words your telling me i need to apologize to her"

"no i am not telling you to apologize to her because i know you meant every word you said. i am just saying you need to be clear with her once and for all. take some responsibility for the things you have done in the relationship with her because believe me cameron the only way she is going to get over whatever feelings she is harboring for you is if you admit your faults. because trust me if you go on like shit is all cool and you curse her out every time you see her she is just going to hate you.and as long as she hates you, you and her are going to always have problems. at least with you admitting your drawbacks she can't do nothing but accept that because you laid it all out on the table and she has no choice but to accept that. if she don't want to then that is her business"

scoffing at what flow was saying cameron cut his eyes knowing that she was right.

"fine." he hissed "i'm gon' go and be civil with her. but i am just letting you know now i can't promise that it with be all syrupy sweet. there may be a lot of cursing involved, but of course like in a nice way."

"there is no nice way to curse"

"so you say."

"i guess" flow shook her head reaching for her glass and placing it to her lips.

slouching in his seat when the waiter brought their food cameron thanked him as flow went to dig in.

"well aren't you going to eat ?" she asked him watching him stare at his phone.

"i don't have much of an appetite now seeing as how you pulled my ass from cloud nine" he told flow "you stay bringing a nigga back to reality"

"that is what i am here for. to keep you grounded because sometimes your head swells"

"which one ?" cameron asked her smirking

rolling her eyes flow shook her head.

"if i wasn't so hungry i would throw a piece of this at you" flow told him taking a bite of the bread she had in her hand then moaning at how good it taste.

"you might want to slow down" cameron told her "you going to town on that"

"well excuse me for being pregnant and hungry"

"don't blame my kid for you being a fat ass"

"i will take that as you just saying i have a fat ass" flow told him

"you do have a fat ass." he nodded his head "a nice big ol booty" cameron nodded his head "makes me want to give you some back shots right now just thinking about it"

"you are so perverted" flow told him

"you say perverted i say being sexually aware."

"i really hope that if the baby is a boy he does not get your sexual drive. "

"it is inevitable flow. all men have high sex drive. by nature we love sex. besides it is the way we connect. me wanting to be in your pussy all the time is just a way of me showing you how much i love you" cameron told her

"oh my gosh you are not really sitting here trying to justify you being a nympho"

"it is a fact. if you don't believe me go back and read that chapter you had highlighted in steve harvey's book" he told her

"you read that ?" she asked

"yeah" cameron nodded his head "it was my sitting on the toilet book for a minute"

laughing flow shook her head.

"you are something else" she laughed as cameron was just comic

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