Pink Ribbons II new beginning

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rolling her eyes behind her shades flow walked in front of cameron as the photogs snapped away pictures. keeping in stride with cameron's body guards flow tried to ignore the flashing lights.

"TOO CLOSE" big jim, cameron's head body guard yelled clearing the path for flow and cameron them to walk.

climbing into the chauffeured SUV that was waiting for them flow took arie's car seat from cameron and placed it in the truck strapping her up. removing the blanket from over her face she smiled at arie who was sleeping un-phased by the flashing lights and rowdy fans of cameron's. putting the blanket back over her quickly when a photographer tried to get a picture of arie flow wanted to flip him off as he like the rest of the world knew pictures of arie was off limits, but chose to shake her head instead because she knew anything she did would probably make headlines on one of those lying ass gossip sites.

turning out to the window she watched as cameron signed autographs. easing back into her seat she let out a deep sigh hating coming to L.A. hating all the attention that cameron just seemed to love

"whats wrong ?" cameron asked flow as he came into the truck taking off his ostrich skin louis vuitton back pack.

"nothing really" flow told him leaning her head back against the head rest.

"then why you look like that ?" he asked her.

"i just have a headache, all the damn flashing lights. it gets to me" she told him.

"you just have to get use to it flow" cameron told her "it comes with the territory"

"i don't want to get use to it. i can't get use to people taking pictures of me every where i go, fighting to get pictures of my kid. it isn't normal"

"we aren't normal" cameron shot back quickly

"no, i am normal. you may not be , but arie and i are normal people and i want to keep it that way. i can't stand this paparazzi bullshit." flow cursed annoyed with them. annoyed with the fact that every time she came to L.A they just invaded her space. how she couldn't just enjoy her time with cameron as they were constantly trying to get pictures of him or arie.

"i can't either, but i can't do anything about it." he told her hunching his shoulders and going back to his conversation his phone. turning her head to the window flow sighed looking on hating L.A

"how is school ?" cameron questioned flow as they sat down for dinner on their date night that they had religiously whenever she came to L.A

"kicking my ass. i can't wait to be done with it" flow told him rubbing her temples as she thought about school.

"i know you can't, but you just got to get through a couple more classes. soon you'll have your degree and then you can move on to the next phase. which hopefully is moving out here"

"THANK GOD it is a couple more classes and as far as moving out here you know that isn't an option" flow told him.

"how come ?" he asked taking a sip from his glass.

"cameron you make me explain why every time i come to dinner you know why" she told him.

"i make you explain because i keep hoping it will change" he told her.

"it won't. i am not moving to L.A, unless we're going to live in the boondocks and since you don't want to live up in the hills then i will just keep my merry ass where i am. i ain't trying to be up in the L.A scene"

"it really isn't bad flow. you just have to give the place a chance" cameron told her

"i did and i didn't like it. besides you didn't like it either and well the houses back home are way cheaper" she told him

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