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"arie don't do that" flow called out from where she was sitting. catching arie trying to feed poodah , the dog cameron had gotten from the shelter the chicken she had in her hand.

turning around to her mother arie stared at as if flow had no sense. "don't look at me like that you know what i am talking about. don't feed him" flow spoke sternly waving her finger at her.

turning away from her mother arie tried to go take back the piece of chicken she had given poodah only for him to snarl at her as if he was going to attack her. jumping up upon seeing that flow went to go reprimand him, but pooter took action first jumping in front of arie ready to rip poodah to shreds.

"AYE" cameron called out coming into the kitchen and seeing both dogs in a defensive stand. "cut that shit" he told them. backing away from one another upon hearing cameron's voice pooter and poodah calmed down.

going against arie pooter rubbed himself up against her. giggling at pooter arie rubbed her hands against him then went to go chase him when he ran away ready to play with her.

shaking her head upon arie and pooter flow turned back around.

"they are something else" cameron chuckled going into the refrigerator for a gatorade.

"seriously. anyways, you need to do something with poodah cam' because he is not gon' be in this house too long if he keeps snarling at arie. cause' i will shank that bitch if he bites her or better yet pooter will attack him cam' "flow told him

"what happened ?"

"arie fed him and went to take back her chicken from him and he was about to go at her"

chuckling cameron couldn't help it.

"what is funny ?" flow asked not amused at all.

"arie's indian giving. but anyways, i hear you i'm going to have a serious talk with him." he told flow

"i am not joking cam'. he's one snarl away from being out the door."

"i'll handle it. you just got to be patient he's a puppy flow."

"you better because if he doesn't get himself together he got to go. can't have two bulls in one pen." flow shook her head in a no manner.

laughing at flow cameron took a sip of his gatorade.

"anyways, you saw drew's interview ?" she asked him her arms crossed.

pulling the gatorade bottle from his lips cameron accidentally spilled some on himself. grabbing a napkin immediately cameron tried to wipe it out of his shirt.

"don't even bother. i'll get it later" flow told him. "you seen that interview ?" she asked him.

"parts of it" he answered.

"what part ?" flow asked him

"just a snippet of all the shit she was lying about."

"oh so did you catch the part where she was implying that she was pregnant ?" flow asked

"didn't catch that." he flow.

"oh well she did. not only did she imply that she was, but she was damn sure making it seem like it was yours."

"and you believe that it could be ?"

"could it be ?"

"i told you that i used a condom with everyone else flow. so how could the baby be mines ?" he asked defensively

"no need to get all uptight. it is just a question. i don't know, maybe there was a time when you had a lack of judgment and in the heat the heat of the moment you know you just did it. i don't know . i just want to know if there is a possibility that if she is pregnant the kid could be yours"

"i don't believe it could be mines "

"there is sounding like there is a bit of hesitation in your voice. so i take that as you don't really know if the kid could be yours if she is pregnant.like your not one hundred percent on it am i correct ?" flow asked him staring him down.

"i mean flow i ..she..we." stopping himself cameron brought his hands up to the back of his neck rubbing it.

"i mean she ...we ..what ?" flow asked him

"look flow -"

"OH MY GOODNESS" flow grunted upon hearing that "you have got to be kidding me" she hissed placing her hand over her face.

"flow i can't stand here and tell you that i am one hundred percent sure it ain't mine. i mean we slept together i don't know if there could have ever been a time where the condom broke or she ..i don't know okay" cameron told her raising his hands up.

"how can you not know ?" flow asked him "if you and her used protection all the time you should be certain that it isn't yours"

"why are you getting so mad ? i am just telling you the truth. you want me to sit here and fucking lie to you on some maury type shit. i slept with her so of course there is a fucking possibility i could be the fucking father, just like there is a possibility that any of the other dudes she slept with could be" cameron cursed losing his cool at flow losing her own.

"i am getting mad because you told me that you didn't have sex with anyone else without protection. i am getting MAD because there is a possibility that this girl is pregnant for you cameron. " flow screamed at him snapping at the thought of it. "like UGH" she shouted throwing her hands up as if she wanted to wrap her hands around his neck and wring it.

" there is a possibility that it could be someone else's. i mean she wasn't a saint. i am not the only one who has been there flow "

"i am not in a fucking joking mood cameron. do NOT try to be witty right now because i am in a bad head space right now."

"because your putting yourself there. your getting all worked up over this when for all we know this chick could be or really is lying about being pregnant. "

"you need to ask if she is" flow told him

"like hell i don't " he told her shaking his head "i ain't asking her shit.i don't want nothing to do with her" he told flow

"well you don't have much of a choice cameron. seeing as how you screwed her. you need to know - rather we need to know because i am NOT NOT going to go through anymore foolishness." flow told him "i am NOT" flow emphasized

getting up out of the seat she was sitting in flow adjusted her shirt. gesturing her hands toward him she stood there

"what ?" cameron asked lost

"THE SHIRT" flow hissed. taking off his shirt with no hesitation cameron handed it to her. turning on her heels flow exited out of the kitchen leaving him there to himself as she was afraid of strangling him

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