XCVI: Changes

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"I think I want to order the dress instead of the shirt." Alex said as he was on the phone and flipping through a magazine

"My, my Mr. Andolini you've been in a good mood lately this is the second time this week."

"What can I say, I enjoy your work."

"So how would you like me to style it?"

"A nice hem at the bottom, it's a bit long for my taste and take it in, in the waist for an hourglass look and instead of the inside being lace could you replace it with silk."

"Anything else?"

"No I believe that's it, but if I think of anything else I'll call you."

"Ok, I should be ready with the dress in about a week or so."

"Perfect and when you're done could you instead wrap it up for me and leave a note in the box saying, With love from big brother, and you can go ahead and charge it to my card."

"Certainly, I'll get right on it."

"Thank you Ayida, I'll be calling back for another one." Alex grinned as he circled another dress in the magazine and tossed it to the side

"Not a problem, you have a wonderful day."

"Same to you." Alex hung up the phone as he went back to looking over paperwork

Cindy walks in and throws the mail down on his desk right in front of him. "Excuse you, can't you see I'm working." He said picking the mail up

"So sorry your majesty, I won't do it again." She said sarcastically as he looks up at her

"Have you been drinking?"

"Like it really matters if I have or not." She said as he scoffed while looking through the mail

"I'll take that as a yes. You know the rules, no drinking on the job."

"I guess you consider me fetching your mail and getting your food like I'm some dog is work."

"Of course, I pay you for it, so begone dog I'm busy." He said shooing her away and set the mail to the side

"Why haven't you done anything with me in months!?" She angrily fumes as he chuckled

"Is that why you're walking around here so bitter, I told you I operate on my own time and I certainly hate whiny bitches who nag me for dick, it's highly unattractive to me, but I do find it amusing that I have you so hot and bothered." He grinned

"You're wife is one irritating nagging bitch! Yet you're still married to her."

"Sure she nags me but it's never about getting dick, I always make sure she's properly taken care of in that department." He smirked as she began more frustrated with him

"You walk around here and act like I don't exist!"

"Because you don't, you're just the help. You mean absolutely nothing to me so I don't owe you any explanation or favors." He said sharply as his words hurt her to the core

"I bet if I were Isabella then it would be a different story."

"Stop, don't bring her in this."

"Why not? She's all you're thinking about these days anyway, you show her more attention and give her gifts more than you do your own wife."

"That's not true, plus she's my sister of course I'm gonna give her gifts just because."

"It all makes sense now the reason you focus so dearly on Isabella than you do your drugged up wife and even me, you don't just love Isabella as your sister, but you want her for yourself." She said as he shook his head and slightly grinned

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