XII. The Meet Up

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While I'm at work on my lunch break, I've decided to give y'all an upload.
Enjoy yourselves!

The next morning, Michael gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom, when he came out, he put his robe and slippers on

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The next morning, Michael gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom, when he came out, he put his robe and slippers on.

"Dad, can I come with you?" Alex asked as he sat up on the bed

"I'm just going downstairs."

"I don't want to be left alone by myself." He said quietly

"But you won't be alone, mommy is here."

"She's sleeping, please can I come with you?"

"Alright, come on." Michael waved as Alex happily jumped out of the bed with his teddy bear and held on to Michael's hand as they went downstairs

"Good morning, Mr. Andolini and little Alex." Anna greeted
"Would you like some breakfast?"

"I'll just have some coffee," Michael said

"I would like to have some breakfast," Alex said going to the table

"Sure thing, I'll be right back." A few moments later she came back and set down a plate of food in front of Alex and a cup of coffee

"Thank you." Alex smiled

"Thank you, Anna," Michael said coming back with a newspaper in his hands

"You're welcome, if you need anything else, just let me know."

It was quiet at the table as the only noise was being made was the fork hitting the plate and the crumbling of the newspaper.



"Do I have to go to school today?" He asked

"Of course, don't you want to see your friends that missed you while you were gone."

I do, but I don't want to leave you. I'm scared the bad people might come back and hurt me." He said sadly as Michael put down the paper

"No one is going to hurt you again, I'll make sure of that. You have nothing to worry about, I know you're scared but everything is going to be alright."


Michael sighed, "I guess you can stay home for another day, but you can't stay locked away in the house forever, you have to come out sometime."

"Since I'm not going to school today, can Antonio come over here instead?"

"I'll have to call Antonio's dad and see if it's okay for him to come over."

"Great!" Alex smiled "I hope he says it's okay."


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