XI. The War Begins

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Sorry, it gets dark.😪

Alex happily ran around the small, secluded park with his toy plane as Katherine looked on with a smile on her face.

It was just her, Alex, Michael and a few of his men were the only ones there.

"Look at him, he's so happy," Katherine said as they were sitting a few feet away from him at a table

"It's rare not to see him with a smile on his face."

"He's just a happy kid."

"That he is. As I think about our family, we couldn't be more perfect. I know, there's no such thing as perfect, but everything's coming together.
I have a wonderful wife, a wonderful son, a nice house, cars, money and not to mention, another child on the way." He said rubbing her stomach.

"Here's to us, on a good life together." He said wrapping his arms around her and kissing her on the lips

"A good life, for the four of us." Suddenly a round of gunshots loudly ring out as Michael quickly pushed Katherine to the ground

"Get down!" She got on the ground and tried to scan the park for Alex.

She saw him lying on his back, not moving with his toy airplane lying in the grass a few inches away.

"ALEX!" She screamed as she jumped up from the ground while gunshots were still firing.

Michael tried pulling her back down, but she pulled away and ran towards Alex.

The firing stopped and all you heard were car doors quickly closing and tires screeching to get away.

Katherine rushed to Alex's side as she cradled him in her arms.

"Alex, honey wake up. Please, open your eyes." She gently shook him as blood started to get on her hands and stain the front of her shirt.

"Prendi un'ambulanza!" Michael yelled as he stood behind Katherine in shock, he felt a hard pull at his heart with just the thought of him losing his son
(Get an ambulance!)

Within seconds the EMT's arrived as they tried to get Alex stabilized. "Ma'am, you have to let him go."

"I can't leave him." She sobbed

"Come on Katherine, let him go, it's alright," Michael said calmly as he was gently pulling her away
"Come on, we gotta go to the hospital."

"Oh, Alex!" She cried as Michael held her close to him

They made it to the hospital and still no word on Alex's condition.

They sat in the quiet room with only the dimly lit lamp on and all of the blinds closed.

Katherine still had the dried up blood on her hands as she would look down at it and start back crying.

Michael held her in his arms as she continued to cry. "It's alright, honey. Alex is going to be just fine." He soothed as he rubbed his hand up and down her back

"But what if he's not? I don't want to lose my baby!"

"I don't want to lose him either, but you gotta be strong for him."

"It's hard when we haven't heard anything since we've been here." She sniffled

"I know, but for the baby's sake, try to relax." He said as she nodded and laid her head on his chest while he kept his arms around her

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