XCV: Last Chance

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"Come on Ronnie, what's the surprise already?" Isabella asked as he had her blindfolded while walking down what seemed like a sidewalk
"And where are we going?"

"Just a few more steps and we're almost there babe, I promise it'll be well worth the walk."

"It better be, I'm tired of not knowing where I'm going."

"Ok babe we're here," He said as he stood behind her and took her blindfold off to reveal their dream house

"Surprise!" He said happily with a big smile as Isabella looked up at the house with a bit of worry on her face "What's wrong sweetie? Do you not like the house anymore?"

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"Surprise!" He said happily with a big smile as Isabella looked up at the house with a bit of worry on her face
"What's wrong sweetie? Do you not like the house anymore?"

"Where did you get the money for this?"

"I used what we originally saved up for the wedding and I borrowed the rest."

"Borrowed from who?"

"Babe don't worry about it, please."

"You got the rest from Alex didn't you?" She asked as she heavily sighed
"You know you'll never be able to pay him back, it's an endless money pit to keep you owing him and you'll be deemed to do favors for him, including purposely loosing games."

"Babe I didn't get the money from Alex, even though I thought about it and talked to him about letting me borrow money but he quickly said no and that you would have a fit."

"So how did you get the money?"

"I used the rest of the advancement I had left."

"But I thought you were going to use that money to get your family back in Georgia something." She asked as he sighed

"I was, but you're going to be my wife in less than a month and you're my top priority right now. Hopefully they'll understand that you come first now. So now that you know, are you happy?"

"Well, I was really wanting us to get it together, but I can't deny that us having our dream home makes me extremely happy and we don't have to stay in our apartment anymore. I can't wait to move now." She said happily as Ronnie smiles while he picks her up and spins her around


"Your brother's don't play around when it comes to you, I was patted down at least three times before I even got inside the building." Lauryn said as she was helping Isabella with her makeup

"That is why I wanted a simple wedding, but I know in his heart he means well."

"I'm so excited for you, you're going to be married and having the time of your life in beautiful Paris on your honeymoon and then come back to your gorgeous mansion in New Jersey, I'm so jealous!"

"Oh now Lauryn, you know you're going to visit me all the time that you'll practically have your own room in the house."

"I sure hope so, because I'll be damned if you leave me behind." Lauryn said as Katherine and Julia walk through the door carrying Isabella's dress

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