XXIX. Four Million Richer

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"So, have you thought about what you're going to do with your new money?" Michael asked as they were getting ready for bed

"I don't know, I've never had four million dollars before. Personally, I think it's a little too much, I would've been okay with something smaller."

He smiled as he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and kissed her, "I know, but I want to get all it's worth. Hopefully, this will teach them a lesson on messing with someone that doesn't concern them. You deserve that money and much more, you've earned it."

"You've been going through just like me, and if not more. How about we just split it."

"No, baby, that's your money, not mines. How about you give a portion to the kids instead." Michael said

"You know what, I'll do that. It can be for college if and when they decide to go or just a little something extra to have for themselves."

"And what about the last million? You should do something special for yourself."

She shrugged, "I don't know what to do, I do know that I'm going to give my mom some, that's for sure."

"How about you invest it, open up a business."

"That sounds nice but I don't know anything about running a business?"

"It's nothing to it really, and I'll be right there to help you through the whole thing."

"I wouldn't know what to sell."

"You like gardening and planting different flowers and stuff, why don't you open your very own flower shop."

"You think people will actually buy flowers from me if I sold them?" She asked

"I'm sure they would, sweetheart, but we'll never know unless you try. Just have fun with it, I know you get tired of sitting at home all day and would like to do other things and this could be it. Plus you can work whenever you'd like, hire whomever, and still have time for yourself. Just give it a try, you might actually like it."

"Alright, I'll give it a shot and this could also help Julia out and give her some extra money."

"Tomorrow, we'll go look at some places and see if you like any of them."

"What do you think about this place?" Michael asked as he and Katherine stood on the sidewalk of the building looking through the glass window into the vacant shop

"It's nice and I like the size, but there's already a flower shop here."

"But that's a block away." He said as she grinned

"Okay fine, another one in the area. Same difference, how much business do you suppose I would get when there's another place around the block?"

"I say plenty, but that still doesn't stop others with the same idea from putting up shop. Think about it, how many stores and pharmacies do we need on one street?"

"I get your point, but I wouldn't feel comfortable crowding the area with the same stuff."

"Then be different. What the other won't sell, you do. But don't let me hinder your decision after all this is your decision and I will support whatever choice you make, whether you take this place or the one across town. But personally, I like this one because you're not far from the house and it's five minutes away from me at work, but again, it's your choice." He said as she smiled and shook her head

"Is that your way of convincing me to get this place?"

"Absolutely not, I'm just simply stating my opinion is all."

"Yeah okay. I do also like the fact that it's not too far from the house and I wouldn't be far from you either. I guess I'll take this place." She said as he smiled

"I think you made an excellent choice."

"I'm so proud of you, sis, you have your own place now," Julia said happily

"Thanks, Julia, and thank you for coming and helping me out on my first day."

"You know I had too, I enjoy getting out any chance I get and I wouldn't turn down working with you for nothing." She said giving Katherine a hug and she hugged her back

"I wish mom would move closer, that way we can all be together all the time instead of every now and then."

"She's content with staying at the house. I've tried numerous times on convincing her to leave and move closer, but she says she doesn't want to leave the house and she's happy and okay with staying there." Julia said

"You know how mom is, stubborn as usual," Katherine said with a sigh

"Yeah, just like you." Julia giggled
"But I believe mom is going to be okay, she's a strong woman with a strong will. Plus she has three wonderful kids who love her to pieces and would do anything to help."

"Yeah, you're right. We all would go to great lengths to make sure that she's okay."

"And speaking of great lengths, the next time you come into a load of money again, do you think possibly you could, I don't know, split that half with me, for no personal reasons of course." Julia smiled as Katherine playfully rolled her eyes

"I have kids you know, I have to see about them first."

"Your kids are fine. Your three month-year-old is worth more money than me, so no matter what, they're always going to have something."

"And how do you assume that?" Katherine asked

"Easy, their daddies rich and their momma's good looking." She said as they both laughed

"You are so silly."

-The next part will entail their first day open.
How will it go?

[EDIT: I've decided on something else, the next part will be coming soon tho.]

*also, did any of you all go see Black Panther, and if you did, did you like it? I found this dope pic on Instagram and I think it's cool how they sort of parallel each other once you analyze their backgrounds.*

And I'm sorry this one was a little late, I had to get caught up in my Psychology class and I was really tired afterward last week, but it's out now!😁😁

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And I'm sorry this one was a little late, I had to get caught up in my Psychology class and I was really tired afterward last week, but it's out now!😁😁

I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments and I'll catch you on the next one.



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