XXVI. Bombs Away

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With everything that's been happening in recent weeks, both Katherine and Michael have been focused on other things and haven't thought much about their happiness

That is, until now when they've finally gotten away from everything and everybody, and started back seeing things through true happiness

And what better way to show that happiness, is by making love.

Katherine pressed her palms and fingertips into Michael's back as he smoothly pumped in and out of her.

She heavily sighed as the wonderful pleasures rippled and coursed through her body like a flowing spring

The two haven't felt so in synced and connected for quite awhile now, stress and tension have built up and now is the perfect time to alleviate that stress

"That feels so good, don't ever stop." She moaned as she roamed his body with her hands and brought him closer to her

"I don't want to stop either." He heavily breathed as he placed a kiss on her forehead and wrapped her right leg around his waist

He fondled her breasts as they shared a passionate kiss while the phone was ringing.

"Ciao," Michael answered leaning over onto the nightstand to answer the phone

"Sarai felice di sapere che tutto è curato." Dominic said
(You'll be happy to know that everything's taken care of.)

"Buono a sapersi, ti ricontatteremo più tardi." Micheal grunted as Dominic was smirking on the other end listening to Katherine moan and the creaking of the bed
(Good to know, I'll check back with you later.)

"Sembra che qualcuno non vedesse l'ora di andare in vacanza. Non andare troppo veloce o causerai uno tsunami e spaventa i tuoi bambini per tutta la vita. ."
(It sounds like somebody couldn't wait to go on vacation. Don't go too fast or you'll cause a tsunami and scar your kids for life.)

"Vaffanculo." Michael grumbled as Dominic laughed
(Fuck you.)

"Non ce n'è bisogno, Katherine ha coperto quella parte quindi sono bravo."
(There's no need, Katherine has that part covered.)

Michael huffed and rolled his eyes, "Addio, Dominic." He said and hung up the phone as Dominic was still laughing
(Goodbye, Dominic.)

Michael tossed the phone to the side of the bed and continued the passionate kiss with Katherine

After a few more minutes, they both had come together and now they lay cozy up together listening to each other's steady breathing

"You were talking to Dominic on the phone earlier, right?" Katherine asked as Michael twirled the ends of Katherine's hair around his finger


"Do you think he heard us?" She asked nervously as Michael began to laugh and then he looked at Katherine to see she had a serious look on her face

"Oh honey, it's no big deal. Even if he did hear us, it wouldn't change anything. Sex is a natural part of life, all married people have sex, otherwise, what's the point of getting married if you don't want to have sex."

"I guess."

"I could understand your gripe if someone like your mom called."

"Speaking of, it's time for me to call her. I told her I would call around evening time to check up on her." She said getting the phone

"You do that, and I'll go check up on the kids."

Michael got out of bed and put on some clothes and left out of the room and down the hall to the kid's room

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