XXXIX. The Godfather

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"I don't know, baby, I got a bad feeling about this," Michael said to Katherine as she was putting her stuff away

"About what? Spending time with your family?"

"No, there's a lot of unresolved shit from the past and I'm afraid all of that is going to get brought up."

"It can't all be that bad, is it?" She asked as Michael sighed

"What's your definition of bad?"

"Well.." She was about to answer but she stopped and gave up

"Either way, I'll just be wary of the topic and hope Dominic can keep a level head this whole time."

"I'm Here!" Dominic called out as they heard the kids happily greet Dominic

"I'm sure everything is going to be fine." She said as he nodded his head and they walked out

"Uncle Dominic, we're glad you're here," Christian said

"Thanks, I appreciate the love. This is probably the only love I'll receive this entire weekend." He said as Michael and Katherine walked into the living room followed by Chris and Maria

"Dominic! So glad you could make it. I was getting a little worried." Chris said as Dominic shrugged it off

"I'm only here because of the kids and Katherine was the only one to ask nicely, so thank her. Anyway, everyone, this is, Natasha, my guest for the weekend." He introduced as Natasha said hi to everyone

"Now that everyone's here, can we grill up these steaks already," Dominic said holding up a bag of steaks

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"Now that everyone's here, can we grill up these steaks already," Dominic said holding up a bag of steaks

"Perfectly seasoned in cocaine I presume." Michael smiled

"Funny, but no, I promised no outside high during this trip and I'm going to stick to my promise. I just hope you've brought enough whiskey to compensate."

Dominic was putting the steaks on the grill as Christian and Alex watched him. "Now you see boys, you gotta make sure that your meat is nice and marinated or it won't taste good, it'll taste like some old ladies micio, and you don't want that." He said as Christian and Alex looked at each other

"What's a micio?" Alex asked as Dominic turned his head to see where was Michael as Michael was sitting next to Chris talking by the lake

"It's the greatest thing ever, just make sure you got the right woman, and it'll take you to heaven and back if you treat her right." He said as they all smiled

"Why do I have a feeling you weren't supposed to tell us about that?" Christian said as Dominic shrugged

"You asked, I just tell it like it is, no need of cutting any corners. You boys are growing up and soon you'll know all the dirty shit I talk about on a daily basis."

"Hey Unc, I got a question for you," Alex said

"Go on."

"How come you don't love your mom? Or would like to see her?"

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