XL. Say Goodbye

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It's been twenty-five years since Dominic has come back to this house as it still looks the same as it did when he left, but the house was smaller than he remembered.

He knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds until a lady came to the door. "Hi, you must be Dominic. Chris told me that you would be coming, I'm Janice, your mom's home-help nurse, why don't you come in." She said stepping to the side letting Dominic in

As he looked around, the same old pictures were on the wall with some new ones of Chris and his family. He went up to the giant family photo they took when he was five. His dad held him in his arms as they both smiled.

It pained him deeply staring back at the picture and even worse is he's standing in the same spot his dad was murdered. "I didn't tell her that you were coming, but I know she'll be glad to see you," Janice said

"Oh yeah? You think she'll remember me? Doesn't she have dementia or something?"

"A little bit, but she talks about you all the time. Today you'll make her day." She smiled as Dominic followed her down the hall to the living room

"Gloria, you have a visitor." Janice pushed her chair around while she was sadly watching TV. She looks up to see Dominic standing there as she perks up but then gets sad again

"Janice, I think I'm dreaming again."

Janice smiled, "Not this time. He came to see you."

"Is it really you?"

"Yeah, it's me." He said as tears welled up in her eyes as she stretched out her arms

"I'll be in the other room if you need me," Janice said leaving

He went to her as she grabbed ahold of him like she never wanted to let him go and he gave her a half hug and quickly letting go

She pulled back from her hug and began to touch his face. "It's really you, I prayed that one day you would come back."

"It was never my intentions to come back."

"What did you do to your face?" She asked touching his face tattoo and the ones along his neck

"I got bored one day," He shrugged while sitting down

"No woman is going to want a man with tattoos all over yourself like that."

"Times are changing, and I don't have to worry about getting a woman, besides I'm damaged goods all thanks to you."

"Me? I don't understand? All I ever did was love you, Dominic. I know I couldn't give you everything you wanted, but I did the best I could."

"That's not what I'm talking about. And as far as you loving somebody, you got a funny way of showing it, killing your own husband."

"I did not kill, Santino."

"Yes, you did! Why else would he turn up dead after confessing to you that he was going to leave you? Were you so jealous that someone else could love dad better than you could?!"

"I didn't do it! Why don't you go ask that monkey he was sleeping with."

"You shut your mouth," Dominic said as he was getting agitated

"Why should I? She was nothing but some cheap black whore and probably had some disease, and I'm sure all of them do."

"You will not sit there and slander a group of people you know nothing about! My sister-in-law is the sweetest and kindest person on this planet, she's a good wife, mother, and just a good person and so are her children. There's fucked up people of every race, but you will not put them in the same category as others." Dominic said


"Mike married a black woman."

"I should've known Michael would follow in his father's footsteps, Joseph, liked those jungle bunnies too. You don't need to be around that sort of thing, he's putting these evil thoughts in your head."

"Trust and believe, no one put any evil thoughts in my head."

"Please stay, I've missed you deeply and I don't want to miss you again."

"The only reason I came was to say goodbye, and hopefully the next time I see you, you'll be six feet underground." He said standing up as she caught him by the hand

"Dominic, please. Don't go, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything that I've done." She said tearing up again as he bent down and looked her in the eyes

"You will be."
"Goodbye.. mother." He said as he stood up straight, turned around and walked away

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