CV: Not Ready to Leave

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"How've you been, old man?" Alex asked Michael as they were sitting in the living room together across from each other

"Terrific." Michael brightly smiled "I knew I picked a good woman once I laid eyes on Katherine."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that she's been doing some things to me that she hasn't done in over fifteen years. I've never been one to complain about anything in our sex life but damn she's been turning me out these past few nights, and I'm absolutely loving it. I'm starting to reconsider my thoughts on you getting your stamina from me."

"Ok dad, enough about my mom please." Alex said as he begin to cringe and Michael chuckled

"She was my wife before she became your mother and I was busting it down and she was spreading it wide for me."


"Oh stop it, you act like you've never heard the shit before, and certainly how do you think you and the rest of your siblings got here? Because your dad was-"

"Ok dad I get the picture, I know how babies are made, you don't have to go into detail."

"Well if you know then why are you being such a hard ass about it?"

"Because you're talking about my mom, I don't want to picture her in that way, she's much too precious."

"Fine, you sensitive ass little girl I'll stop. I would really like to know why'd you come visit me and ruin my good vibe, I don't bother you and the countless women you run through so why dampen my spirit?"

"I'm here because mom said that you were sick and originally Christian and Bella were coming as well but she asked us not to come but I really wanted to see you."

"I think Katherine is blowing this sick thing way out of proportion, I'm fine."

"But what about your test results? I thought it said you have cancer?"

"There's a possibility that I could have it but it's not a guarantee, I'll know for sure in a couple days when I go back." Michael said as Alex noticed an unfamiliar woman walk past the living room

"Who was that?" Alex asked as Michael turned around to look

"That's Carolina, the new housekeeper Kat hired. Since she won't let me go back to work and wants me to relax more she hired another person to help keep things up."

"She is kinda cute." Alex said as Michael grinned

"The only one having any sex around here is me, so I suggest you take that somewhere else. By the way, when are you gonna bring the kids? I haven't seen them this year."

"Christian and I will bring them but in the meantime we want you to get well first." He said as Michael groaned

"Why are you people treating me as if dying? If anything you all would want me to do the things that I want to do for the last time."

"Of course you're not dying, but we just want you comfortable, that's all."

"When it comes that time, I want you to look after Kat, she's gonna put up a front and say she's fine but she won't be. I know eventually she'll get over it but I'd say for at least the first few months."

"Come on dad don't say things like that." He said sadly

"I'm not gonna live forever, son, and then you'll be the one in charge. I've taught you well and you have Christian as support, you can make it and I know all of you will be alright."

"I just can't imagine you gone, I don't know if I could honestly handle that." He said as a stray tear fell from his eyes and he quickly wiped them away
"I know we joke a lot with each other and we don't really talk much about our feelings on certain things but you really mean everything to me. I know I have my mistakes and fuck ups but I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for you. Everything I know you've taught me and I guess the little kid inside of me will always be there because you and I both know that I'm a daddy's boy, and with you gone it'll be like a piece of me is gone too."

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