XXVII. Reconcilliation

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Michael, Katherine, and the kids were outside at the patio table eating grilled fish with green beans while Micheal held Isabella in his arms

"Dad, when we finish, can we go in the pool?" Christian asked

"It's fine, but don't go too far out on the deep end."

"We won't," Alex said as he and Christian both finished their food and sprinted away to go change and head to the pool

"Today is an exceptionally beautiful day. The sky is clear, and the water is nice and vibrant looking, so peacefully and quiet." Katherine said looking out to the horizon

"Yes, it's a very soothing sight," Michael said as one of the staff members walked up

"I'm sorry to bother you sir, but you have a call from your lawyer, would you like to take it?"

"Yeah, I'll take it." He said getting the phone.
"What is it now?" Michael sighed

"Quick question, when are you coming back home?"

"When I feel like it, why?"

"Well that's the answer I expected to get from you but the mayor keeps pestering me into getting in touch with you and asking. He wants me to ask could the two of you talk about the situation. He says that his workers are terrified of leaving the house because of the disappearances, and bombings of the police force lately."

"But is that my fault his workers are terrified to leave the house? I have no control over how these people are going to react, that's his concern, not mine."

"Can't you at least consider it?" He said with a sigh.
"I'm getting tired of this guy calling me every hour every day, just talk to him."

"I'm not going to stop everything I'm doing for the likes of him, I do things when I get ready."

"And I'm not asking you to drop everything, I would just like for you to assure this man that you got his message and you'll consider the offer, that's it."

"Alright, when you speak with him again, tell him that I got his message and that I'll get back with him in a week or so and then we can talk."

He sighed with relief, "Thank you, that man was about to run me crazy. I'll call him right now and let him know. I'll be speaking with you again, soon."

Michael hung up the phone and grabbed Katherine by the hand and kissed it. "How do you feel about going home?" He asked as he continued to hold her hand and rub small circles with his thumb

"You serious about going back?"

"Well, depends on how you feel about it. I won't go unless you come with me, and I know deep down you miss home and seeing your family. I can tell it's driving you nuts that you can't always call your mom every day."

"I do miss them." She said quietly

"I know what happened is scary and trust me, I'm going to do everything in my power to keep that from not happening ever again, but we can't and won't run from this forever. We won't let a couple of assholes ruin our good life and everything we've worked hard to build together. No one is going to run us away under any circumstances. The only way we go is because we say we wanna go, and we go the way we want to."

"Deep down I was hoping that you would suggest a move because I didn't know if I could handle going back," Katherine said sadly

"You can do it, baby. You're a strong woman and you've endured more than any woman I've ever known. You won't be doing this alone, you'll have me and the kids with you. Just trust me."

"Ok, whenever you decide I'll go."

"How about we give it a week or so and from there we can just let things go naturally."

"I'm fine with that." She answered looking down as he lightly squeezed her hand to make her look up

"Do you trust me?" He asked


"No I mean it, do you really trust me as your husband to protect you at any cost no matter what."

"Yes Michael, of course."

"I want you to trust me that everything is going to be okay, you'll have nothing to worry about whenever you're with me."

"I know I'll have nothing to worry about when I'm with you, I always feel safe whenever I'm with you."

He smiled, "You give me hope for a brighter day to come. Even when I feel like complete shit." He said as Katherine cracked a smile

"Oh? Is that a smile I see? Good to know that my own wife laughs at me when I'm being completely open and honest about my feelings which I don't do very often."

"Well I'm sorry, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your feelings." She giggled

"Only to you, the rest don't deserve my sensitivity."

"I got an idea, why don't we clear our minds for a bit and take a swim with the boys."

"That sounds like a plan." He said as they both stood up from the table as Michael had Isabella in his arms

"Maybe, later on, you can express more of your feelings by telling me your love for Gone With The Wind." Katherine chuckled as Michael sighed

"I told you a thousand times how I feel about that movie, for some reason it makes my balls itch."

"You have a thing for redheads."

"No, I'm more of a brunette guy myself, but Scarlett is so damn irritating, she reminds me a lot of Dominic, that's why I don't like her."

"You wait until I tell Dominic what you said about him, he's going to give you an ear full."

I hope you've enjoyed this update.

I've been trying to keep on a regular schedule of posting, so far everything is working out good👌🏾

Let me know what you think and also, do you think Katherine & Michael will eventually go back to Chicago & if they do, will things be the same or different.

Voice your opinions, I would like to know as this could possibly give me future ideas because ya girl could use them, or anything else you would like to see

Voice your opinions, I would like to know as this could possibly give me future ideas because ya girl could use them, or anything else you would like to see

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Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this update and until next time. Peace Out. ✌🏾

**Also, thanks for getting my story on the Romance Trending at #963. You all are truly the real MVP's.** 😁😁


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