XXV. Italian Vacation

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Two months later

It was a sad and mournful day as it was the day of Richard's funeral.

The whole family was dressed in black as Katherine just couldn't stop crying.

She's cried all week long and she thought that by now, all of her tears would've been dried up but today she's cried more than ever.

Michael laid her head on his chest as she continued to cry her heart out. "It's going to be alright, baby." He whispered to her as he rubbed her back

She knew this day would come, but she didn't think it would be this soon.

Her hero is now gone forever, but at least she did get to say goodbye

After the funeral was over with, Katherine went to go find her mother who hasn't been still since Richard's death

"Mom, why don't you just come and sit down."

"No dear, I can't. I have to keep busy or else I'll start thinking about him." She said with tears in her eyes

"But only for a little while, you've been busy nonstop for three days now."

She nodded her head, "Ok. I'll sit for just a minute."

"Are you sure you don't need me to stay the night with you?"

"No Katherine I'm fine. You have a family of your own now that needs you."

"Well, why don't you come stay with us for a few days," Katherine suggested

"No, I can't. If I leave, I'll never want to go back. I promise, dear I'm fine. Plus I got Julia and David said that he was going to come over, so really, I'm okay."

"Alright, but if you need anything, anything at all, please let me know."

Debra weakly smiled, "I will."

Later on that day, they made it home as Katherine went upstairs to change

"Is mom going to be okay, dad?" Alex asked

"Yeah, she's just a little sad right now but she'll be alright. Do me a favor, could you take Bella to her room for me." Michael said handing a sleeping Isabella to Alex

Michael walked into the bedroom to find Katherine standing by the dresser looking at a picture of her, Richard and Isabella in her hands. "You alright?"

"Who would've known that three days after this picture was taken, he would be gone forever." She said as water welled up in her eyes and Michael went to her side

"He loved you very much and the good thing is, your last moment together was one of the happiest times of your life."

"At least he did get a chance to see Isabella. I just can't believe that he's really gone."

"I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna hurt and you're gonna miss him, but you have to keep living. It's easier said than done, but you can do it."

"I'm glad you're in my life."

"I'm glad you're in my life as well. You give me so much hope and joy, something that I never thought any one person could give to me. I've been promising you a vacation and I think now is the perfect time than ever." He said wrapping his arms around her

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