CIV: Losing You

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"I can't believe you two would do this to me, after everything we've been through." Armando said to Alex and Christian

"Don't take it personal, it's only business." Alex said as Armando angrily got in his face

"I am gonna take it personal when you're fucking with my money. Your old man would be disappointed in you two for doing this to your fellow brethren."

"Don't worry about him, and as far as we're concerned you've never been a brethren of ours, you were just another steppingstone to get what we wanted, now we don't need you anymore and it's time for you to go away, for good."

"You think you can take me down that easily? You two greedy bastards have another thing coming if you think it's gonna be easy. Remember I was the one that brought you in and gave you the connections, neither of you wouldn't be shit if not for me!"

"Don't flatter yourself, sure you set us up with the connections but we learned how to maneuver on our own. We were the ones making the deals and bringing in the big money, while you got comfortable and slacked off. We're not obligated to help you or owe you any favors just because you did help us, and as far as I'm concerned we've helped you out quite enough with your own issues so we don't owe you or anyone else shit, no one will have success off of our name and hard work except us." Christian said

"Fine, if that's how you two feel then so be it, I just hope you two are ready for the fight of your lives because I'm gonna give you two hell."

Alex chuckled, "Good, Christian and I are certainly hell raisers and we'll all have a good time."

"So who's the unfortunate soul that will go against me? Sure you may have the money to pay anybody but how long will they last once they find out who they're going up against."

"That beautiful lady right there." Alex said pointing to Isabella as she sat on the couch next to the wall

Armando looked over at her and back at Alex with a smile. "You're joking right, that's obviously one of your new bimbo secretaries you've hired, and by the way she is very beautiful."

"Nope we're not joking, that's our attorney. This is Isabella Perdue, our attorney and baby sister." Christian said as Armando eyes widened in surprise

"So this is the baby sister? You two never went into details about her but there's nothing baby about her, she's all woman." He said slowly gazing over her body and walked over towards her as she stood up
"It's certainly a pleasure to finally meet you, I see why your brothers never showed you off."

"It's nice meeting you too, despite the circumstances."

"So you'll be representing your brothers, how sweet of you. However I think you're making a big mistake."

"How so?"

"I don't play fair when it comes to my money and freedom, and I would hate to see anything bad happen to such a beautiful young lady such as yourself, or your family. I can look into your sweet, innocent eyes and tell you're not cut out for this, and I'm sure your mom would agree that you shouldn't get involved, she doesn't want to see her baby get hurt."

She gave a half smile, "Aw, are you trying to scare me? Please, my mom is more scarier than you."

"I can see it in your eyes, you're afraid."

"Of what exactly, you? Don't let my eyes deceive you, I can be one nasty, cold-hearted bitch. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned and you crossed the line when you mess with family. You have another problem on your hands if you think you're going to destroy my brothers, I'll ruin your life all with a smile on my face and looking drop-dead gorgeous at the same time." She smiled

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