CVIX: All Good Must End

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"Penso che ti starebbe molto bene, piccola."
Christian said to Naomi as he held up a light pink sundress against her body
(I think this would look beautiful on you, baby)

"What did he say?" She asked Isabella who was sitting on the couch beside her reading a magazine

"He said you'd look nice in that dress, Christian, you haven't taught Naomi any Italian yet?"

"I would love to but she's even more cute when she doesn't know what I'm saying." He grinned

"At least teach her the basics, it won't hurt."

"I will eventually, and I'll definitely be teaching our new bundle of joy when they arrive just like I did with Nadia." He said as he gently placed his hand on Naomi's belly and rubbed it as he kissed her lips
"I'm so excited for the baby I just don't know what to do."

Naomi giggled, "Babe, you're acting like this is our first child together."

"I know but I dreamed of us having more kids and I'm just happy I'm here to share the experience with you."

"Oh honey." She smiled as she kissed him back

"Alright bro I'm ready to go." Alex said walking back from the bathroom

"Tornerò amore mio, papà deve occuparsi degli affari ma tornerò." He said kissing her hand and stood up
(I'll be back my love, daddy has to go handle business but I will return.)

"And I'll give you a back rub as promised when I get back too."

"Ok babe, you be careful."

"Oh yeah and before I forget, did you file that paperwork that I gave you yesterday about the case?" Alex asked Isabella as she didn't bother to look up at him but instead kept reading the magazine

"Yes, I filed everything you gave me before I left yesterday and I double checked today, now could you please let me do my job without you micromanaging me."

"I don't mean to be a pest but I just wanna make sure, Christian and I's livelihood is at stake."

"And so is mine, you don't have anything to worry about, you're in good hands. Anyone that comes against my family will be dealt with accordingly and I will see to it that you two will get what you want, plus more."

Christian nudged Alex, "Come on man leave her alone, she knows what she's doing. If anyone knows vindictive and how to be a bitch, it's her, and Bella I didn't call you a bitch I'm just saying in a general term."

"I got it,"

"Alright, we're heading out and if y'all need anything give us a call." Alex said as Isabella waved them away

"Yeah, yeah just leave already we know the drill." She said as they soon left
"Finally, now we can go shopping."

"You two are really making a big mistake." Armando said to Alex and Christian

"No, I think this is one of the best decisions we've made since taking over." Alex said

"I will give you one chance to stop this now and all will be forgiven."

"We're not stopping anything, and you can keep on with your idle threats because they don't mean shit to us." Christian said as Armando smiled

"Fine, you two have it your way. But I promise you here and now you will regret this decision." He said as he began to stand up
"Oh yeah and I heard through the grapevine that your wife is pregnant again, congratulations." He said as Christian held a blank expression

"When are you gonna have another one Alex?"

"I just haven't met the right woman for the job."

"What about your ex? I'm sure she wouldn't mind giving you another one."

"I put her through enough already, she deserves some happiness too."

"What a pity, you two enjoy the rest of your day." He said while leaving

"I don't trust that bitch, he's up to something." Christian said

"Yeah but what? He's trying to feel us out to see what makes us tick."

"We need to keep extra tabs on him just in case." Christian said as the phone rung and Alex picked it up


"Alex it's me, where's Christian?" Isabella asked with quiver in her voice

"Sitting down next to me, you wanna talk to him?"

"No, no, I just wanna know where he is."

"Why does your voice sound all shaky for and where are you?" He asked as Christian looked at Alex weirdly

"I'm at the hospital with Naomi, I don't know what happened and... just come down here please."

"Ok, we'll be right there." He said as he hung up the phone

"What's wrong?"

"That was Bella, she's at the hospital with Naomi." He said as they both quickly got up to leave

When they got there Isabella was anxiously sitting in the waiting room for them to arrive

They showed up as she didn't want to be the one to break the sad news. "What happened? Is Naomi okay?" Christian asked frantically

"Yeah she's fine, but the baby..."

"Is the baby alright too?" He asked worriedly as she nodded her head no

"It's gone." She said as Alex sadly dropped his head and Christian was in disbelief

"No, no, no." He said as tears began to fall from his eyes and Alex put his arm around him

"It's gonna be alright."

To be continued...

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