CIII: Appointment

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"Kat, could you fill this out for me please." Michael said passing the clipboard to Katherine

"Why?" She asked looking down at the paper

"I left my glasses at the house." He said as she scoffed and took the pen from him

"You knew you were coming to the doctor so why didn't you bring your glasses?"

He smiled as he leaned his head on her shoulder, "Because I knew you'd fill it out for me and I like your handwriting."

"You're such a baby, I don't know how you get anything done."

"I have other people do it for me, of course." He grinned as she shook her head

"And you wonder why the boys are the way they are."

"Yeah but I don't complain when I don't get what I want, that's the difference."

"If you say so dear, which hip of yours is hurting today?" She asked as he looked at her weirdly

"Neither of my hips are hurting."

"Today, but tomorrow will be a different story."

"They hardly ever hurt."

"Then why do you constantly hold them?"

"Only when I'm bending on occasion but other than that I'm fine." He said as she sighed

"You'll tell me anything just so I can leave you alone."

"That's not true, I'm grateful that you care about me and have been for well over twenty years now."

"I bet." She said finishing up the last section of the form and handed him the clipboard
"I did all the work now you go take it back."

"Yes ma'am." He grinned as he got up to go give the clipboard back to the receptionist and sat back down

"Don't forget when we get home to call the podiatrist back for your checkup." She said as he scoffed

"I'm not calling him back, and my foot is fine."

"Why not? Why are you acting so stubborn?"

"Because the last time I went to go see him all he talked about was you."

"And what's wrong with that?"

"You know that old geyser likes you, so I don't even know why you're acting surprised." He pouted as Katherine grinned

"You and him are the same age, so therefore you're calling yourself old."

"There's a difference between white man old and Sicilian man old."

"Uhm, aren't you both white? Don't tell me this whole time you've lied to me about being a white man."

"Yes we're both white but it's a difference. I look good for my age but he doesn't, not all white men are created the same babe."

"Personally I don't see anything majorly different from you two but I'll keep my opinion to myself and let you have it because you seem very passionate about this."

"Thank you, and I just have to ask if it were down to me and the doctor as the last two men on earth, who would you spend the rest of your life with?"

"You of course, I wouldn't have it no other way." Katherine said as Michael smiled and kissed her while the nurse called his name

Katherine followed as he tried to convince her to wait in the front but she was adamant on going with him.

"Mr. Andolini, good to see you again, and you too Ms. Katherine." Geoffrey said walking into the room

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