CVIII: Honest Uncle

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(Nicole,15. David & Marissa's daughter)

Nicole sat outside in the patio chairs underneath the shade as she wrote in her notebook and occasionally glance up at Valentina and Nadia as they ran around with the dog

It's her Spring Break and every year since she started school she would spend her break with Michael and Katherine as they always treated her like she was their daughter and took her on fancy shopping sprees and whatever else she wanted to do

Numerous times she's asked David and Marissa could she stay with them for a school year because she didn't like her current school. But each time she would ask, the answer would always be no.

"It's a beautiful day out here today and yet you're hiding in the shade." Michael said as he sat in the chair next to Nicole as she closed her notebook and put it on the table

"I'm not hiding, I just wanted to have a little shade."

"You've been writing an awful lot lately in that book of yours, you mind if I take a look?" He asked as he went to reach for her notebook but she quickly grabbed it and held it close to her chest

"No, it's private."

"I get it, I had a teenage daughter before and I know you all are sensitive about your journals. Just know that you can always talk to us about anything, it may be embarrassing but we won't judge you."

"Well, since you put it like that, there is one thing I would like to talk to you about."

"Okay I'm all ears."

"There's this boy at my school that I really like and he said he likes me too but he doesn't want to be seen with me in front of everyone because of the way I look."

"And what is it about your looks that he doesn't like?"

"My skin." She said quietly "But he said he would date me still because I have a rich uncle."

"Don't date him at all."

"But he's popular, every girl wants him and he said he likes me."

"Okay he's popular, but he makes you feel like trash, why waste your time with someone like that?" He asked as she shrugged

"I don't know, I guess I don't feel pretty enough and I'm happy someone likes me. All the boys that I like have pretty girls and wouldn't look twice in my direction. I'll never be able to look like them."

"Stop saying that, you're a beautiful young lady and don't ever compare yourself to others. I'm gonna be honest with you, guys don't give you the time of day is because you have self-respect, you're not out here opening your legs for everyone. When I was your age I didn't care for the girls who I had to charm romantically, I just wanted to get off and I chose the easiest girls to do it with.
Be grateful you're virtually invisible to boys because you just might get yourself a teenage me, but worse. He may look innocent and charming at first but he's actually a sneaky son of a bitch who wants to use you and bring all this chaos into your life."

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