XXXIII. Wasted

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Three hours and twenty-three combined whiskey shots later, Katherine and Julia were more than tipsy at this point.

"Yo Kat, do you think I could borrow some clothes?" Julia giggled as she tried to form her words while Katherine was slumped over in the backseat on the door


"Because I spilled brandy on my dress.. Ooh shoot, this is your dress." She giggled "My bad, sissy, I hope you can forgive me."

"Of course I do, you know I love you. You can have my clothes anytime." Katherine smiled as she drunkenly hugged Julia and then flopped back in the seat

"I love you too, you're the greatest person ever and that makes you amazing."

Later they arrived at the house and the sound of doors closing made Julia jump from her dozing off to sleep. "Hey, Kat, we stopped," Julia said gently shaking Katherine as Diego opened the door on Katherine's side

"Uh-oh, she no wakey. What if she died and she didn't tell us?"

"I would certainly hope she didn't die if she did we all need to die immediately," Diego said as he began to shake her awake.

"I doubt she'll be in any shape to walk, just go ahead and pick her up," Sergio suggested as Diego eased Katherine out of the car and began to carry her while Sergio helped Julia

"I didn't know I could fly," Katherine said as she looked down at the ground and didn't see her feet

"No ma'am, I'm carrying you."

"Oh, it would be nice if I could fly." She hummed as he toted her inside of the house and careful not to wake anyone up

"I'm feeling a little dizzy." She slurred holding her head as Diego went upstairs to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed

"Do you have an aspirin?"

"I'm not sure, I don't really like medicine, it doesn't taste good."

"How about a shower, that usually helps."

"Okay." She smiled as she slowly got up and began to unzip her dress, she lost her balance as she was about to fall until Diego caught her which made the front of her dress slide down her body revealing her bra, while Sergio walked in with a puzzled look on his face

Diego helped Katherine to stand back up as she was wobbling back n forth for her balance. "Thank you."

"No problem."

"What the hell are you doing?" Sergio asked in a whispered tone

"She was about to fall and I caught her. What? You want me to stand here and watch the woman hit the floor?"

"That's not the point. Why were her clothes down?"

"She's going to shower to help with her hangover."

"Uhm, which one is the bathroom again?" She asked as they both turned to her

"It's this one, are you gonna be alright?" Diego asked opening the door for her

"Yeah, there's nothing to a shower. I'll be in and out." She said

"Okay, we'll be out here in case you need us." He said and closed the door behind her
"How's Julia doing?"

"Feel asleep as soon as she hit the bed."

"Hopefully that will happen once she's gone."

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