XXIII. Ghosts

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"Are you sure these two are trustworthy?" Michael asked Dominic

"Of course, I wouldn't recommend them to you if I didn't think they could be trusted."

"Alright, but if anything happens ultimately everything falls back to you."

"That I can live with and I'm sure they themselves can promise you that they will be trustworthy, and loyal till the very end."

Michael sighed as he sat down in his chair, "Alright, send them in."

Dominic got up to open the door as he motioned for the two to come in. "Mike, this is Sergio and Diego, Dino's cousins."

"Very nice to meet you gentlemen, please sit down," Mike said as they both sat in the chair in front of the desk

"Dominic here says that you two are very trustworthy, and are loyal as well. How can I truly know that you two are what you claim to be."

"Just give us any job and we'll do it," Sergio said

"Yes, we take pride in our work as being loyal and trustworthy," Diego added

"The majority of the people who work for me are willing to lay down and even sacrifice own their lives just to protect me, is that something that you're willing to do?"

"Absolutely," Diego said

"So let me ask, honestly, if someone was to come up to you right now and say tell me where Michael Andolini is, or I'll blow your brains out, what do you say?"

"I would tell them to go fuck their mother," Sergio said

"And I would say, how about I go fuck your wife instead," Diego said as Michael grinned

"Well alright, that's about all I need to hear. I want you two to do a special job for me and that is, look after my wife and kids. Lately, my wife has been a little edgy and I want her to feel safe."

"No problem," Sergio said

"I'll call you two later tonight, so rest up."

"Thank you," Diego said as they both stood up

"Alright guys, I'll be seeing you tonight and don't be late." He said closing the door after them

"See, I told you, you would like them." Dominic grinned as Michael shrugged

"Alright, so I liked them but the real test is how well they do on the first day which will hopefully be within the next forty-eight hours, so what do you have for me."

"Okay, so what I got was Edgar lives in some suburb right off the interstate and Grant doesn't live too far from Edgar. Edgar is married for five years to an Ella Edgar and has one kid, a boy, named Jacob Edgar, Jr. Then there's Mr. Corey Grant. Grant has been married for ten years to a Marjorie Grant and has no known kids, word is, he's shooting blanks." Dominic snickered

"There routine is mostly the same, up at 4:30 am, out of the house by 5 to be at the station at 5:45 and then proceed with their routes spanning within a fifteen to twenty-mile radius of the station. They usually get off around seven, read the evening paper and is off to bed by 9:30.
Unless, if they have an emergency type call they could be home by eight or nine, depending on the severity of the call and this usually happens four times out of the week, but as for Edgar, he likes to go out to the titty bar and have a couple of drinks and maybe even fuck a couple whores if he's feeling up to it and lucky for us, today would make day number two."

Michael sat back in his chair with a smile on his face, "I'm impressed. Look at you, you're actually doing some real work."

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