XVII. Big Brother

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3 months later

"Alright baby, I'm off to work," Michael said getting up from the table and putting his suit jacket on

"Okay, have a nice day and I'll see you tonight." She said as he bent over and gave her a kiss on the cheek and picked Christian up from her lap and kissed him on the forehead

"Alex, have a nice day at school."

"I will, dad," Alex answered as Michael gave the baby back to Katherine and left out of the front door

"You wanna have some fun today?"

"What do you mean, mommy?"

"I mean as in, not going to school today and taking a surprise trip to grandma and grandpas," Katherine said as his face lit up with surprise

"Won't daddy be upset if I didn't go to school today?"

"We won't tell him about it. What daddy doesn't know, won't hurt him. So what do you say?"

"Of course! Let's go!"

About an hour later, Katherine and Alex made their way to her parent's house as both were excited to come

"Katherine? Alex? What are you two doing here?" Debrah asked with a surprised look on her face

"Surprise grandma, we came to see you!" Alex said happily while hugging her

"Oh how sweet of you, but don't you have school this morning?"

"He did, but I thought it would be nice to let him stay home and come see you instead."

"Well come in and make yourself comfortable. Where's Michael?" Debrah said stepping to the side to let them in the house

"He's at work, so it's just us three," Katherine said motioning to the baby in her arms

"He's so adorable. Alex, how do you like being a big brother?"

"It's kinda fun. Dad lets me change his diaper and feed him sometimes."

"That's sweet, you're going to be the best big brother ever," Debrah said with a smile as she lightly pinched Alex's cheek

"So mom, what were you doing before we came up and surprised you?"

"Go figure, I was making a little lunch for David and Julia for when they get back later on this evening."

"Do you want any help with anything?"

"No, no. I think I got everything.." She said while looking around
"Oh shoot.."

"What's wrong, ma?"

"I forgot to pick up some bread from the market yesterday and the potatoes for the soup tonight."

"That's okay, Alex and I can run to the store right quick and get you some."

"Are you sure?" Debrah asked

"Positive, mom. I promise it'll be nothing to it."

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