IV. Mrs. Andolini

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Michael had walked Katherine up to the front door of her parent's house as she was anxiously excited to see them.

Her mom, Debra, had answered the door and instantly Katherine's face lit up with joy. "Katherine?" Debra said in a shockingly surprised tone

"Yes momma, it's me!"

"Oh, Katherine." She said as she went to hug her tightly and Katherine returned the embracing hug. "It's so wonderful to see you."

Her happy smile soon turned into a confused frown as she noticed the ring around her eye and the puffiness of Katherine's face. "Katherine honey, what happened to your face?" She asked as Katherine dropped her head

"Uhm, well... It was Frank, momma." She said quietly as Debra gasped

"Oh my God, are you alright? When did this happen?"

"Everything's fine now, Michael saved me," Katherine said pointing to him as he patiently stood to the side

"Thank you, sir, what do we owe you?" She asked nervously, hoping it wouldn't be too outrageous.

"You don't owe me anything at all." He said and that shocked her. Any well-off white man who goes out of his way to save some poor black girl, surely he wants something

"Can we come in and see everyone else?" Katherine asked

"Of course, everyone is still up." She said letting them in and the feeling of warmth and comfort began to fill Katherine. She's been gone from home so long, that she forgot what a loving home even felt like once you entered the door

"Everyone! Come out! There's a surprise in the kitchen!" Debra called out as the sound of footsteps started to approach

"Katherine! Michael! How's it going?" Julia said with a big smile once she entered the kitchen

"You know him?" Debra asked

"Yes ma'am, he took Katherine out on a date and she loved it, didn't you Katherine," Julia said smirking at her as Katherine put her head down in embarrassment

"Julia! Stop it!" Katherine said as her cheeks were getting red and Michael gave a small chuckle

"Please excuse my daughter, she's the jokester of the family," Debra said

"What's the big surprise? I've already got-" Before Richard could finish his sentence, he looked up and saw Katherine.

He immediately went up to her and gave her a tight hug. "You're home, thank God you're home."

"It's good to be home." She said as he opened his eyes and saw Michael. Fear clouded his mind as he thought Katherine was going to be taken from him and his family again.

"Katherine, who's this?" He asked releasing the hug and motioning to Michael

"Oh, this is Michael. He's the one that saved me from Frank."

"From the depths of my heart, I truly want to thank you for what you've done," Richard said as he went over to Michael and held out his hand

Michael accepted his handshake, "It was nothing at all. Do you mind if I speak with you for just a moment."

"Of course." Richard lead them into the living room as Michael sat on the couch and Richard sat across from him in the chair. "Again, I really do appreciate you for what you've done. This family has missed Katherine soo much and it's good to know that she's safe and she's at home."

"You're welcome, really, it was nothing. I would like to ask you for something."

"We don't have much money, but we can get up as much as we can."

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