XXXIV. 1959

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Four years later

"Mom, would it be alright if Christian and I go ahead and feed Dexter?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll be finished with dinner in just a moment." She said while taking the rolls out of the oven

"Mommy, can I have a roll?" Isabella asked

"Mommy, can I have a roll?" Isabella asked

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"You have to wait for daddy first."

She pouted,"Please, just one bite. I promise I won't ask again." She said giving Katherine her puppy dog eyes that she knew no one could resist ever saying no to

"Oh alright, but don't ask me again."

She smiled as Katherine handed her a roll, "Thank you, mommy."

"Yeah yeah, you're welcome," Katherine said as they heard the front door open and heard Michael's voice

"Hurray, now we can eat."

"Just set it right there, that'll be fine," Michael instructed

"Michael, what did you go out and get this time?"

"Surprise, I got us a colored TV. I walked by the store window and I just couldn't resist, so I had to get us one."

"Cool! Daddy can I have my own?" Isabella asked as Michael picked her up and kissed her on the forehead

"Of course you can, princess. We'll make room for your very own." He said as she smiled and he put her down

"I'm gonna go tell Alex and Christian, they're going to be so jealous." She said

"You know you're spoiling her rotten." Katherine pointed out

"I know, but we haven't had a girl in the family for years, and I just can't say no to her."

"Back to this television, I thought we both agreed that we weren't going to get one unless we both agreed to it."

"Yeah I know, and I knew you were going to say no which is why I got it in the first place, but it's also for everyone. When you're home by yourself and have nothing to do, instead of listening to the radio, you can turn on the TV and watch a movie or a show, and I think the kids will really enjoy it the most."

"Yeah, but I don't want them sitting in front of it all day and night looking at some screen, they should be out playing and being kids, and not cooped up in the house."

"Alright, so we'll tell them that. They're only allowed to watch so much in one day and the rest of the time they go outside, read a book, clean their room or whatever else you find to make them do." Michael chuckled as Katherine gave a small smile

"I just don't want our kids to be some mind-controlled zombie, you saw how Leah's kid was when we visited her and all he ever did was sit in front of the TV and watch it nonstop, I don't want our kids to be like that."

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