CVII: Recovery

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"Look grandpa, Nadia and I drew you a house with our horsies on the side." Valentina smiled as they showed Michael the drawing

"Oh wow, it's beautiful. What are the horses name?"

"Biscuit and Bubbles." Nadia grinned

"That's very cute, but I only see two horses, where's mine?"

"Grandpa, you're too old to ride a horse." Valentina said as Michael scoffed

"I am not, I can ride all day long if I wanted to."

"Ok, we'll draw you one too."

"Thank you, and we can all ride together." He said as they took the drawing back and went back to their spot on the floor and went to drawing

Katherine walks in with a cup of tea in her hand as she handed it to Michael. He glanced at her chest as she had on a v-neck shirt that nicely clung to her body.
"Thank you baby." He said looking up at her eyes with a smile

"Of course, how are you feeling?"

"Great, but even better now that you're here." He said sipping the tea as he eyed her body while she grinned

"I figured by now you'd be ready for a nap, or a little alone time."

"Oh no not at all, matter fact, why don't you come sit with me." He said as she was about to sit on the side but he grabs her hand to stop her
"No honey don't sit there."

"Well where do you want me to sit?"

"In my lap." He said with a straight face as he took another sip of tea as she laughed

"You're joking right?"

"No I'm serious, come sit in my lap."

"Honey you just had surgery yesterday, I don't think me sitting in your lap will be good. You're not supposed to be doing anything strenuous for the next two weeks."

"You're not heavy at all, plus you being so close to me calms me down, so come sit." He said pulling her over closer as she gently sat down in his lap. He put his cup down as he began to scoot her back onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist
"Mmm you smell so good." He said as he kissed the side of her neck as she giggled

"Stop it that tickles."

"This is paradise to me, my lovely wife in my arms while you feed me peach cobbler, naked." He said as she chuckled

"Is that why you're trying so hard to get me to make you some peach cobbler?"

"Yes, I wanna eat dessert while I gaze at the sexiest woman in the world with the world's greatest ass, merda." He said while feeling on her ass and gave it a squeeze

"Michael, come on now stop that."

"Non capisci quanto voglio avere la tua figa in questo momento." He said lowly in her neck and gave it a lick
(You don't understand how much I want to have your pussy.)

"Michael, the kids could hear you."

"No they won't I'll be sure to keep the noise down." He said as he gripped her tighter around the waist and kissed her more on the neck while she giggled

Michael was trying to get his hands underneath Katherine's shirt as she tried to stop him but he was tickling her instead. "Come on now, I just want to have a feel." He said as Katherine kept pushing his hands away

"Feeling leads to other things and we are not having any of that."

"I'm sure I can change your mind."

"It's nice to see you two still so in love with each other." Rebecca said as she walked into the living room and Katherine grabbed Michael's hands to stop him from tickling her

"I don't think I could ever fall out of love with my beautiful Katherine, she's all I want."

"Thanks dear, and you're all I want." Katherine said as she turned around and kissed Michael

"I'll take the kids to the room so you two can have some privacy."

"Oh no no don't bother, they're keeping me company." He said as Katherine got up

"Are you hungry dear?"

"Ms. Katherine you don't have to go through the trouble of fixing me anything to eat I'll be fine."

"Nonsense Becca, you know you're family. Sit down and I'll get you something it's no trouble." Katherine said as Rebecca took a seat on the couch

"It's great to be back, I thought I'd never step foot in this house again."

"Why think that? You know you're always welcome." Michael said

"Yes but Alex and I are no longer married and since I'm not technically in the family anymore then that means I'm not allowed back."

"Oh dear we've known you for years now, every since you and Alex were in Kindergarten together we could never ban you forever, plus you're the only one Kat and I like of the women Alex brings us." He said as Becca smiled a bit


"Oh yes, the last puttana he brought here was absolute garbage. I know the only reason he had her around was because she fucked him good, but for whatever reason he likes those dumb and desperate bitches."

"I guess that makes me one of them too."

"Oh no not at all. I don't want you to take offense to that because that doesn't pertain to you, when you were with Alex you and him were teenagers and thought being together would change the both of you and in ways it changed for the better.
But I must say I wish you would've left Alex sooner and not to be mean but also not have his baby."

"But, I loved him and I didn't want to leave him."

"Why? It's obvious he didn't love you back so why stay?"

"I, I, don't know really. I guess I just wanted to make things work for us."

"Thankfully Alex isn't the vindictive type and tried to take Valentina away from you, although he's an asshole he did things fairly.
Actually he's the lucky one, you should've taken everything away from him."

"Oh I couldn't do that, he would've had a fit."

"So, he cheats on you and destroys the sacred vowels you two made to each other, you should've given him hell and made him think twice on messing around on you."

"That's just not in me to do."

"Well you should've called me once you found out, I would've taught him a lesson on not to cheat on or disrespect your wife,"

"I was just scared afterwards, I know he has power and I didn't want to tick him off and have him upset with me, so I kept quiet."

"I understand and I'm not judging you for it, you did what was necessary and I'm not mad at it. But I always told you, whenever you needed me and when my hardheaded son starts acting up, you call me and let me know and I'll take care of him and I mean it. If he starts acting up on you for no reason then you call me I'll straighten him out real quick and then he'll act right."

Michael is not wasting anytime on getting well, he wants to get it in ASAP!😂

Real quick, I would love to know what new story would you enjoy better.

A. another mafia type
B. something else

I'm thinking of a new story for the summer and I would like to know what would be interesting for you all to read.

I don't mind the mafia stories since you all enjoy them the most and it's fun writing them but I wasn't sure if anyone wanted a change.

Please let me know I would greatly appreciate it😁

I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter and I appreciate the continued love and support it truly means a lot.

Let me know what you think and I'll catch you all on the next update. 🤍

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