III. Be Mine Part II

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It's been almost every day for the next two weeks that Michael would come by and see Katherine, even when Frank would be home for the night, Michael would have Katherine sneak out of the house and have her meet him down the road

Tonight, was another one of those sneaking out nights, so Michael told Katherine that he would be waiting for her behind the big oak tree at nine.

He waited and waited, and Katherine hasn't shown up yet. He gave her a few extra minutes until finally, he couldn't wait any longer.

He walked up to the house and knocked on the window once he saw her sitting on the couch. He motioned for her to come outside as she nervously looked around the room and went out of the back door

She tiptoed over behind the bushes where Michael was standing. "Hey, where've you been? I thought we agreed you'd meet me at nine." He whispered as she held her head down

"I'm sorry." She said sadly

"What are you sorry for? And why do you have your head down?" He asked but she never would pick her head up.

He put a hand underneath her chin and one behind her head as he lifted her head up. When he saw her face, she burst out in tears as the moonlight lit up her face.

He was shocked beyond belief as her left eye was blackened, her lip was busted and the rest of her face was really swollen and puffy

"I didn't want you to see me like this." She cried. "That's why I didn't come, I didn't want you to see how hideous I look." She said as more tears began to fall from her eyes and Michael quickly embraced her in a tight hug

"You don't look, hideous baby, you'll always be beautiful." He soothed as she cried even more. "Who did this to you?" He asked as his anger began to rise within him

"Frank. He caught me sneaking out last night and ever since this morning, he's been beating on me. He finally stopped about an hour ago." She said as he began to clench his jaw in anger

"I think it's about time I made you finally mine."

"But what about Frank? I can't leave him and what about my sister and the rest of my family?" She said worriedly while looking up at him

"Frank is not gonna last, okay. He's done, and I'll make sure of that. And your family will be safe as well."

"How can you be so sure?"

He gently placed both hands on the sides of her face as he wiped the tears away with his thumbs, "Because, what Michael Andolini wants, I get and I say, I want you and I want Frank out of the picture." He said as he planted a kiss on her lips
"Now, what I want you to do is, get some sleep and rest up, I'll come back for you."

"If he catches me again, he's going to kill me for sure!" She sobbed as he quietly shushed her

"Shh, No he won't baby, I'll kill him before he gets the chance to kill you." He soothed as he gently rocked her. "Go get some sleep, and put some witch hazel on your eye and face to make the swelling go down."

"Ok. I'll see you soon." She said and he gave her one last kiss

"Take care, il mio amore." (My love)


Two nights later, Frank had planned to go out for the night as Katherine was already in the bed asleep.

Ever since Frank beat her, she's been going to bed immediately after she's done with everything, usually, she'll stay up and read a book or go out to visit Michael, but she'd rather avoid the headache and just go to bed

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