XXVIII. Welcome Home

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"Don't be so nervous dear, you're making me dizzy with all of this fidgeting you're doing." Michael grinned as he put his hand on top of Katherine's

"I'm sorry, all of those old feelings are starting to come back to me."

"You'll be fine, I promise. You're with me. Remember when we first went out on a date and there and back, you were nervous and barely looked at me or spoke. I reached over and held your hand and it was like you weren't nervous anymore."

"Yes, I remember." She said quietly as he lightly squeezed her hand

"I held you then and kept you safe and I'll do the same right now, but most importantly, I'll hold you forever."

"It seems like you always know what to say."

"I love you and I can't do this alone, I need you with me." He said as she nodded her head

"Okay, I'm ready whenever you are." She said as he kissed her on the forehead

"Aspetta qui, ci vorranno solo pochi minuti." Micheal said to Luca
(Wait here, it will only take us a few minutes.)

Michael stepped out of the car and adjusting his suit jacket, he then held out his hand to Katherine as she took it and stepped out. "Are you ready, il mio amore?"

She nodded her head, "Yes."

He closed the car door and continued to hold her hand as they walked up the steps leading to the mayor's office.

Once people started to recognize who they were, the room went quiet and everyone began to move away and stare, and whisper among themselves about their presence.

Katherine instinctively squeezed Michael's hand as he calmed her by rubbing his thumb across the front of her hand.

They walked to the very back to a door that said Mayor Thomas Clark, as Michael walked in without knocking.

This startled the mayor and the others that were in the room as they stood there with a bewildered look and the Mayor was surprised that Michael even showed up

This startled the mayor and the others that were in the room as they stood there with a bewildered look and the Mayor was surprised that Michael even showed up

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"Michael, I didn't think you were coming." The mayor said nervously

"Of course I would come, you wouldn't leave us alone during our vacation with your pestering phone calls and messages,"  Michael said as the other two that were in the room with the mayor went to carefully pat him down

Michael went to open his suit jacket as they jumped back in fear. "I don't have a gun on me If that's what you're looking for, but if you insist on searching, feel free." He said stretching out his arms as one quickly patted him down and stepped away as Michael sat down in the chair and Katherine did the same

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