VIII. Family Man

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[6 months later]

"How much money did I make this month?" Michael asked as he sat comfortably on the couch and his accountant sitting in a chair facing him

"In total, you made 12,245. Half of that was made during the first half of the month, and you did have a small dip two weeks ago when you lost some profit."

"Anything major?"

"No, just a few hundreds but nothing large scale. Mostly, whatever you lost during a certain week, you'll gain it all back plus more by the end of the month."

"Any other news?"

"Yes, the mayor contacted me the other day and asked me would you be ever so kind to donate some of your money to the city. With there being a worldwide depression and all, he said it would help a lot and would also be greatly appreciated."

Michael sighed, "Why should I care?"

"You'll get a very nice tax write off for it. Plus, you'll get double in returns."

"Ok. You can write a check for a thousand, I'm sure he can use it towards something."

"Yessir, I'll get right on it. How's married life treating you?"

"Better than this damn economy, I'll tell you that much."

He laughed, "Tell Katherine I said hello and I'll see you next month."

"Alright, same time next month," Michael said as he reached over on the lamp table and grabbed a cigar from his cigar box and Luca came up to escort the man out of the house

He lit the cigar and took long drags as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the couch.

"Vi aspettavate qualcun altro oggi?" George asked as he stood in the doorway
(Were you expecting anyone else today?)

"No, chi è e cosa vogliono?"
(No, who is it and what do they want?)

"È il tuo fratello"
(It's your brother in law)

Michael opened his eyes and sat up, "Digli che entri."
(Tell him to come in.)

George left the doorway and had come back with David. "What a surprise! I haven't seen you in a while." Michael said getting up and giving David a hug

"It's good to see you too, Michael."

"Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?" Michael asked as he sat back down on the couch and David sat in the chair

"No I'm fine, but thank you."

"Where's everyone else? I know you didn't come alone."

"Actually I did. I walked as far as I could and I took a taxi for the rest of the way."

"Does your mom know you're here?"

"No, but I told her I'll be back before sundown."

Michael reached into his pocket and got his wallet, "If you took a taxi for the rest of the way, I know you spent all of your money." He said as he gave David $40

"Wow, thanks, Michael." David smiled

"Just don't go running off and not telling your mother where, and I'll have someone take you home so I know you're safe. Now, how are you liking your new house?"

"I love it! We all do, especially me and Julia. We run up and down the stairs until we get tired and no one has to wait in line for the bathroom anymore."

Michael smiled, "That's good, I'm glad everyone is enjoying the house."

"That's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about."

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