LXIX: Insanity

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"I can't believe in just a few more months my oldest boy will be going off to college, I'm so proud of you." Michael said to Alex

"Thanks, dad."

"Aren't you proud of us too?" Christian asked as he pointed to himself and Isabella

"You're so jealous." Alex said as Christian scoffed

"I'm not jealous, I just don't want him to forget that he has two other children."

Michael smiled, "Of course I'm proud of you two, I'll never forget about you, but right now it's about Alex and when the time comes for you two, it will be all about you."

"It just seems like yesterday all three of y'all were running around the house playing with your toys making a bunch of noise, now look at you, all grown up." Katherine said

"Time does fly. Soon Alex will be off to college and take over for me, Christian will be by his side and Bella will become a nurse, I couldn't wish for anything better."

"Dad, I don't want to be a nurse."

"Of course you do, that's all you ever talked about. I know the schooling seems intimidating but you'll get through it."

"I've changed my mind, I don't want to be a nurse anymore." She said as both Alex and Christian stopped eating and looked at her like she was crazy

Christian tapped her leg, "What the hell is wrong with you?" He whispered to her as she ignored him while staring down into her plate and then looked up at Michael who held a questionable look

"Dad, she was just joking. She doesn't mean that." Christian nervously laughed while nudging Isabella to go along with him. "Right, Izzy?"

"No, I meant what I said."

"So what is it exactly that you want to do with your life?"

"I want to be a lawyer." She said as he scoffed

"And how many female lawyers do you know or even seen? Who's actually going to take you seriously?"

"So what are you saying dad, you don't think I'm smart enough?"

"I didn't say that, you're a very smart girl but let's not be naive to the simple fact that you will not be respected and treated the same as the others. It would be less stressful on you if you stick to a more womanly role, becoming a lawyer is a man's job."

"Are you kidding me right now?" She said as Alex and Christian stopped eating again and looked at her
"I should be able to do whatever it is I want to do when I get older, whether you like it or not."

"Don't get sassy with me young lady. As long as you stay in my house you'll do whatever it is I tell you to do!" He fumed while pointing at her as she was so angry and letdown that tears were welling up in her eyes

"THIS ISN'T FAIR!" She yelled as she stood up and left the dining room as everyone was shocked at what just happened

"Okay, this is getting a little awkward." Christian said softly

"Yeah, we're just gonna go finish our food upstairs." Alex said as the two got up and quickly made an exit

Dinner was over with and both Michael and Isabella were still upset with each other as Isabella hasn't came out of her room yet and Michael was outside in the backyard smoking a cigar

"Would you like me to pour you another glass?" Katherine asked walking over next to him as he looked at the empty glass with the melted ice

"No thank you, I'm fine."

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