XCII: Respect to the Don

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"Dannazione, la tua merda è stretta." Alex grunted as he roughly pounded into Cindy
(Damn, your shit is tight.)

She gasped in pleasure as she held on to his strong arms and gazed upon his toned, bare chest. She felt an ultimate connection with him as he made her feel loved and wanted

She leaned forward to kiss him as he took his time and kissed her back. He caresses her soft lips and gently ran his fingers through her hair making her melt under his touch

When he finished, he got off of her and threw away the used condom in the trash can. He checked the time on his watch as he started putting his shirt on while Cindy was still in bed, watching Alex get dressed

She smiles as she gets up and goes behind him to start kissing him on the neck and hopefully drag him back to bed with her, but once she starts kissing him he shoos her away

"Come on stop it, I'm gonna be late."

"Oh please, just stay with me for a few more minutes, I really don't want you to go." She cooed as she tried kissing him again but this time he pushes her away

"I said no," He said sternly

"Ok, when will we be together again?"

He shrugged as he was putting on his pants, "Whenever I feel like having you again." He said coldly as he slid on his wedding ring and a sharp pain hits Cindy in her heart

She knows what she's doing is wrong and immoral, and she definitely wasn't raised to be this way, but having money, the luxury to travel across the country and even have the upscale condo that she lives in is what makes it worth while to her.

No amount of money should be worth her dignity and self-respect but she can't help the fact that she's falling hard for Alex and the lifestyle that comes with it.

"Don't forget to pick up Rebecca's dry cleaning and tomorrow at noon Valentina has a hair appointment." He said while going in his wallet and put four hundred dollars down on the dresser

"Anything else your highness?" She asked sarcastically as she was putting on her robe

"Yeah, how about you clean up around here for a change."

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm too busy cleaning up after you and your white woman's mess." She snapped

"Well if you're unhappy with me and my white woman than you're free to leave, and there won't be any hard feelings. I can always find another desperate girl to clean my house and fuck me whenever I get ready." He said taking the money back and walking past her towards the door and before he could open it she grabs his arm to stop him

"Wait, I'm sorry, I don't wanna quit."

"Very well, I'll see you this evening." He said giving her the money as she took it and put it in her pocket

He opens the door to leave as she follows behind him. Christian was sitting in the living room reading a magazine, he looks up as he put the magazine down on the table and stands up

"I love what you've done with the place Cindy, maybe I can get Naomi to hook you up with some nice colors."

"That'd be nice, I could use a makeover."

"I'll talk to her about it but for now we'll be on our way." Christian said as the two left the condo and went outside to the car

"She must be something else, this is the third time this week."

"She's alright." Alex said as he was searching the glove box for his secret stash of weed as he grabbed an already rolled joint and lit it up while Christian was pulling out of the driveway

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