LXXIX: My Enemy Part I

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"Mom is going to be soo surprised once she sees that everyone is here." Julia said to Katherine as they were getting the table set up

"Well it's not everyday your mom turns seventy." Katherine smiled

"True, it's a blessing that she still manages to get around all by herself and looks great as well. Although, I do wish dad was able to be here to celebrate with her."

"I know me too, it's hard to believe he's been gone for fourteen years, but I know he's always with us every single day."

"Hey are y'all done yet?" David asked sprinting into the kitchen, "Mom just pulled up."

"Go stall for a few seconds, then we'll be ready." Julia said pushing David out of the kitchen as he went outside to stop Debra from coming inside

"Hey mom, happy birthday." David said as she was getting out of the car with a smile on her face as she hugged him

"Thank you baby," She said as she kissed his cheek and she was staring in his eyes with a smile

"What's wrong ma?"

"You look just like your father, especially with this beard you're growing. He would be amazed at how all of you kids turned out."

"Now don't start getting all emotional on me on your special day, let me get these bags for you." He said getting the bags of groceries from the backseat

"Did Marissa and little Nicole come with you?"

"Of course, they're inside waiting on the birthday girl." Debra chuckled as she playfully smacked David on the arm

"Oh stop it." She said as he opened the door for her and she stepped inside to a large birthday banner draped across the wall and balloons and flowers everywhere


"Oh my goodness." She said with a shocked expression and put her hand up to her mouth

"Happy birthday, grandma." Nicole smiled coming up to her with a birthday hat on

" Nicole smiled coming up to her with a birthday hat on

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"Oh sweetie, thank you."

"Well mom what do you think?" Katherine asked going to give her a hug followed by Michael

"Katherine, Michael, you didn't have to drive all this way for me."

"But we wanted to because we love you and someone else would like to see you." Katherine said as Alex and Christian came up behind her

"Happy birthday, grandma." Christian said as Debra turned around and gasped

"Boys! What are you doing here? You should be in school."

"You come first grandma, and we even bought you a gift." Alex said handing her the gift as she started getting teary eyed

"Oh boys, this is so sweet of you to come all the way from New York to come see your old grandma."

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