LXV: Filthy Mouth

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"So what color panties are you wearing?" Michael asked while on the phone with Katherine

"Mmm, are they lace or silk?... Lace huh? I bet you look terrific in them, and I'll take real good care of you and that tight punani of yours." He smiled as Katherine chuckled through the phone

"I wish you were here with me right now too baby, I'd lay you across my desk and-"

"Sir, you have a visitor." A man said knocking on Michael's door and breaking his concentration

"Come In!" Michael said as it was Rebecca.
"Hey baby, let me call you back in a few minutes." He said and then hung up the phone

"You came to tell me what wonderful weather we're having." He said as she looked at him weirdly and chuckled
"I'm only joking, so what fascinating treachery has Alex done this time?"

"Well, I came to talk to you about the college that he'll be going to."

"Columbia University, what about it?"

"He's not all that thrilled of going, and I'm sure you would rather for him to tell you than me but he doesn't want to disappoint you, he really had his heart set on New Jersey."

"I appreciate your concern for him, it's not everyday you have an outsider who's concerned for others well being, so for that I commend you, but what you have to understand is that this is the best option for him, I know he has his heart and mind set on one thing but I'm looking at the bigger picture and my job as his father is to help him get to the big picture.
When he gets older he'll understand the sacrifice I've made for him in order to achieve his goals, I want nothing but the very best for him and my other two children and I won't settle for anything less. So if that makes me a heartless, inconsiderate tyrant then so be it, my kids will achieve their goals with nothing to hold them back."

"I understand Mr. Andolini, I didn't mean to overstep any boundaries, I was just worried about Alex." She said as he waved his hand and stood up

"It's nothing personal, I get it, you're only trying to protect your boyfriend." He said as her eyes widened with surprise as she nervously tried to laugh it off

"Boyfriend? What makes you think Alex is my boyfriend?"

"I'm forty three years old, I've been a teenager before, now granted that was a long time ago and things have changed, however human reactions still remain the same. Besides you don't do a very good job of hiding your emotions."

"It's that noticeable?" She cringed

"Yes, but that's not always a bad thing. You have a good heart, and don't let anyone take that from you, including my son."

"Yes sir."

He smiled and patted her shoulder as he left the room. "You just can't leave well enough alone can you?"

Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach as she nervously turned around and began to quickly explain herself. "Alex listen I was only-"

When she did turn around to her surprise it wasn't Alex, but Christian instead as he was laughing. "I scared you didn't I?"

"Yes you did."

"Well, you're really gonna be scared if he sees you here, so if I were you I'd get going."

"Okay, and as a favor would you mind not telling him that I was here, please."

"Maybe, maybe not." He shrugged

"Oh please, I'll do whatever you want." She begged as he grinned

"You're lucky I love my brother enough not to go behind his back or else I'd have you screaming your head off in the back room, but how good are you in math?"

"I do okay."

"Great, I have a ton of homework due tomorrow and I expect an A, or else."

"No worries, I'll have it done in the morning." She said as he gave her his homework

"You better go get started, morning will be here soon."

"Right, I'll see you in the morning." She said jetting off so she wouldn't run the risk of running into Alex and causing another argument with him.

"I'm telling you man, all we gotta do is sneak in through the back and no one will even notice us." Christian whispered to Alex as they sat on the sofa

"Forget it, I'm not sneaking into no porno house with you." He said as Christian shushed him

"Quiet before mom and dad hears us, and what should we do then, wait until they fall asleep and watch it on TV instead? You and I both know that's not gonna work."

"Well that looks like the only option because I'm not gonna get caught there."

"Ooh not big bad Alex afraid to go somewhere."

"Look, you can go all you want but I'm not about to have mom bash me on top of my head if she catches us, if you wanna go then go, but I'll gladly be here at the house, safe and sound and injury free." Alex said as Katherine walked in the living room

"Boys, don't you have some homework you need to do."

"I finished mine earlier before we had dinner." Alex said as she then looks at Christian

"Me too, I did mine after school."

"Weren't you with your father this afternoon?"

"Yes ma'am."

"So when did you find time to finish your homework? If I recall you said you had mountains of work to do and it's due tomorrow so how did you finish it all."

He chuckled, "You know me ma, I paid someone to do it for me." He grinned

"Michael!" She called as he walked into the living room

"Yes dear."

"Did Christian do his homework? He's saying he paid someone to do it for him." She said as Michael began to twist Christian's ear

"Did you do your homework?"

"Ow! Yes dad!"

"Don't lie to your mother, it's a sin to lie." He said twisting his ear even more as Christian squirmed with pain

"Ow! I'm not! I did it I promise!" He said as Michael let go of his ear
"Damn that hurt." He mumbled as Michael roughly smacked him in the back of the head

"Watch your mouth."


"You still wanna go be dangerous on your own?" Alex asked with a smile as Christian turned to him and mouth 'fuck you'

"Mom, Christian said the 'f' word." Alex pointed as Katherine widened her mouth in shock and Michael smacked him again

"Boy what the hell is your problem?!" Michael said

"Go upstairs in the bathroom, I'm gonna wash that filthy mouth of yours young man."

"No mom let's not, don't listen to him. I had one little slip up but I don't deserve to have my mouth washed with soap."

"Oh yes you do, who knows how many of those little slip ups you have when your father and I aren't around, let's go I'm washing your mouth out right now." She said grabbing him by the ear as he winced in pain and quickly got up and followed Katherine

"Mommy this isn't fair! Dad curses all the time why don't you wash his mouth with soap!"

"I curse because I pay the bills around here, and just for that, I'm gonna wash your mouth next."

Anyone ever got their mouths washed out with soap?😭

•Let me know what you think•

I appreciate y'all for the continued support and I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.

Until next Friday be breezy

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