XCVII: Finalized

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Real quick; I would like to know what you all think of a new story. Any ideas for a new story would be great, I personally think the mafia ones are getting boring to you all or not🤷🏽‍♀️
I would like to try something different if you all would like that.

Feel free to DM me if you don't want to publicly comment, write it on my message board or comment here, whatever you feel most comfortable.
I'll certainly credit you and your idea(s) in the next story. Thanks a bunch, and back to the drama...😁🥰😅

"Ok Mrs. Andolini, since your husband is willing to give into all of your demands without any problems, and per your request to not have to deal with the courts he has already signed the paperwork to grant you your divorce.
All you have to do is sign your name and within a few days to certify your signature you'll be a free woman and will go back to being Rebecca Lee." Rebecca's lawyer explained to her as she was staring off into the distance while biting her nails

"Mrs. Andolini." He called again as he put his hand on her shoulder to get her attention

"Oh sorry."

"It's alright, I understand it's a lot to process and very stressful."

"What were you saying about a signature?" She asked as he pushed the papers in front of her

"All I need is your signature to finalize the divorce, your husband has already signed." He said as she looked at the bottom of the paper to see Alex's name

A sense of dread and fear suddenly fell on her as she just couldn't get the willpower to pick up the pen and sign.

"Can I get a glass of water?"

"Sure." He said as the secretary gets up and goes over to the small table in the corner, pours the water in the glass and brings it back to Rebecca

She searches her purse for a pill bottle as she takes out three of them and easily downs them while she sips on the water. "I'm afraid what's gonna happen after I sign this."

"Being alone after so many years of being with someone that you loved can be a scary thing, but life goes on and you will be fine and if you so desire you can find love again, it's never too late."

"I'm afraid of my husband, he would never let anything be this easy."

"Maybe things have changed but he's given you everything you asked for with no problems and he was the first to sign off."

"Could it be possible if I were to come back next week and sign, just to wrap my head around everything."

"Of course, just give us a call and we'll be glad to have you." He said as they stood up and he opens the door for her to leave

She heads to the elevator as she goes to process everything and this nagging paranoia that's looming over her like a dark cloud

It seems everywhere she turns all eyes are on her and with every move she makes Alex knows about it.

Ever since the start of the divorce she's been getting this uneasy feeling and not to mention her noticing people following her when she goes out

Even though he's never threatened her about anything however, she knows how diabolical he can be when it comes to getting what he wants, after all she's the one divorcing the head of the Italian mob

She gets off the elevator and walks into the main lobby as just before she could head for the door a large man in a suit stands up and blocks her. "Mr. Andolini has requested that I take you home." He said as her paranoia began to kick into high gear as she's never seen him before

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