LXXX: My Enemy Part II

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It was getting around the time for Isabella to leave as she went over in her head how she would ease questions to Rhonda without making it seem like she was being super intrusive, even though that's exactly what she was doing but she didn't want to seem too pushy for answers

She didn't have far to walk as it would only take her about ten minutes to get to her house if she took the main road. She slowly closed the front door and even had the side window unlocked just in case if someone came through and locked the door

"Bella where are you going?" Isabella yelped in fright as Michael was sitting in the corner in the dark smoking a cigar

"Daddy, I didn't see you over there."

He shined a flashlight on her, "What are doing out this late?"

"I should be asking you that same question, you're normally sleep by this time."

"Where are you going?"

"Just to see a friend."

"You don't have any friends around here."

"You don't know that."

"Get back inside and don't come out again."

"Ok ok, I asked this lady that auntie knows to make me a bracelet and she gets off work late and I promised her that I'd be by her house to pick it up, it'll only take a few minutes and I don't have far to walk."

"You're not walking the streets by yourself."

"But I don't want her to wait for me all night plus I promised her."

"I'll take you myself."

"You will?"

"Yes, I don't want anything to happen to you." He said getting up as Isabella followed him to the car and told him where to go
"So how long has Julia known this woman?"

"For some years now."

"Really? Where'd they meet?"

"They were kids."

"Oh okay, does Katherine know her?"

"Dad you're asking a lot of questions." She said as he shrugged

"It's in my nature to ask questions, besides I don't know this woman, for all I know she could be some serial killer."

"Really dad? I think you've got that department covered." She said as he scoffed

"I don't count because I'm your dad and I'm not a serial killer. Killing people for the fun of it is not something I do nor do I care for it."

"How do you explain the next door neighbor who mysteriously had his neck snapped for giving me candy."

"He was a pedophile, and I'll be damned if he was gonna put his filthy hands on you."

"I never realized that then."

"You weren't supposed to, that's why I sheltered you as much as I did because I didn't want to expose you to the evils of this world, and to a fault I still overly protect you but you're growing up and there's only so much that I can do and I don't want to push you away."

"You could never push me away, I know you mean well and I appreciate everything you do for me."

"It's good to know you didn't grow up to think I was some evil monster." He said as he pulled up to the house
"Alright we're here, are you gonna be okay to go in alone?"

"Yes I'll be fine, I'll ask her to leave the door open."

"Ok, holler if you need me and I'll be there in a flash ready to come save you." He said opening the glove box, pulled out his revolver and placed it on his lap

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