C: Family Matters

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"Are you excited to meet the rest of my family?" Ronnie asked Isabella as they were in the back of the taxi heading to his aunt's house

"I am, I just hope they like me."

"Of course they will, they'll fall in love with you just like I've fallen in love with you." He said taking her hand and kissing her ring finger

"Is it always this cold in Georgia? I would've expected it to be a little warmer."

"Well it depends, it may or may not snow where I'm from and it seems like in other parts it's always hot. I don't know how exactly that works but it happens that way, unfortunately we got stuck with it being cold."

"As if living in New Jersey is enough cold and snow, now I have to deal with it here, hopefully it warms up so I can wear my short sleeved clothes."

Eventually the two pull up to the house as Ronnie paid for the cab and they walk up to the door holding hands.

He knocks on the door as his aunt Pamela answered the door and brightly smiled once she saw Ronnie

She quickly embraced him with a hug and soon after drew her attention towards Isabella. You could tell her demeanor changed as she wasn't as jovial to see her. "Auntie, this is the love of my life, my beautiful wife Isabella." Ronnie introduced as Isabella stuck her hand out

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you."

Pamela forced a smile and shook her hand, "Nice to meet you. Why don't you two come on in the rest of the family is here."

They walked inside as Ronnie shut the door behind them and he began to help Isabella take off her coat. "Auntie can I hang this up in your closet?"

"What's wrong with it being out here?"

"It's mink and I don't want to ruin her coat." He said as he kissed her cheek

"Sure, we don't want to ruin your precious wife's coat now would we? I guess we all can't afford the luxury of having mink coats."

"It's normally not my style but it was a gift from my dad so I decided why not,"

"I can't wait for you to meet the others." Ronnie said coming back as he took Isabella by the hand and lead her to the living room where everyone was seated and talking.

Ronnie walks in and everyone is excited to see him, they're all genuinely happy as he greets everyone. "I would like for you all to meet my wife, Isabella." The men seemed happy even congratulated him while the women were looking at her in a skeptical way and didn't fully embrace her as the men did

The two got comfortable as Isabella started to feel settled in within the family but she could feel the tension in the room every time she would glance at the women, especially Ronnie's cousin Sharee.

"I just have to ask because apparently no one else is going to, where did you even meet your wife?" Sharee asked in a sarcastic tone

"We met in middle school."

"Really? And you never once bothered to mention her to us until you were drafted to the NBA."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" He asked as she scoffed

"It sounds very suspicious to me, how convenient is it that all these years went by and you never once mentioned a girlfriend, you get drafted to the NBA and once it's known that you'll be making millions, up pops this woman."

"This isn't some woman, this is my wife and she has a name, don't be disrespectful."

"Ooh excuse me, I don't wanna offend your precious wife." She teased as her brother, Marcus stepped in

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