LXXXVIII: Retribution

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"I know you said to be calm but all I can think about is the lie that creep is going to tell on us, I'm sure you're not all that worried about the situation because you obviously have money to get into another school but I don't and this is my only chance." Lauryn expressed to Isabella as the two sat on the bench inside of the student union building

"Everything is going to be fine, and if it just so happens to come down to me getting kicked out then I'll make sure that nothing happens to you, but I promise it won't even get that far, my dad will sort everything out."

"It's good that you have faith in your dad but what if it doesn't work out for us?"

"Trust me Lauryn, it'll all work out, you just wait and see." She said as she saw Michael and Dominic, along with four other large men walking up to the door as she smiled
"Here he comes now, just let me do all the talking and agree with me."

"Daddy." Isabella cries as she gets up and goes over to him and hugs him while Lauryn is amazed at how she can perfectly make herself cry on the spot
"Oh daddy I'm so glad you're here, I was so scared."

"It's alright pumpkin I'm here for you, rest assure that bastard will not get away with what he has done to you." He said while tightly hugging her

"Don't you worry Bella, Uncle Dominic and the old man here will get this situation handled." Dominic said as the office secretary came out of the back room

"Hello, how may I help you gentlemen?"

"I'll tell you how you can help, you go back there in the back and get the Dean and tell him that Isabella Andolini has been violated and he will rectify this problem right now or else we're burning this bitch down to the ground!" Dominic angrily fumed while pointing at the lady as she quickly went to the back

"Daddy I'm afraid nothing will be done, what if they don't believe me?" Isabella asked Michael as she looked up at him as he continued to hold her in his arms

"They'll have no choice but to believe you, princess. Even if I'll have to use some necessary persuasion, they will believe you." Michael said as the Dean nervously walked up to the front as the secretary hid behind him

He clears his throat, "Gentleman, good morning, how can I help you?"

"One of your perverted students put their hands on my daughter and I will not stand for it."

"Absolutely sir, why don't we go in my office and talk about it." He said as Isabella waved for Lauryn to come with her.

Lauryn nervously got up as she quickly stood by Isabella, "Se questo bastardo esce dalla linea, lo uccidi a morte." Michael instructed
(If this bastard gets out of line, you kill him dead.)

"So, what exactly happened with your daughter?" He nervously asked as he sat down at his desk

"Bella, go on and tell him what happened."

"My friend Lauryn and I were coming back from getting something to eat last night after my cheer practice, and as we were walking into our dorm building Chester comes up with his friend and starts to flirt with me.
I told him I wasn't interested and then he says he would ruin me if I didn't accept his offer to go sleep with him and his friend. I still said no and that's when he pushed me against the wall and touched my crotch. His other friend had Lauryn blocked so she couldn't help me and the two of them are stronger than us so we didn't want to provoke them."

"Chester McDonald?"

"Yes him."

"So what are you going to do about this Chester?" Michael asked

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