CII: Dynasty

765 41 24

The next day

Isabella walked the halls of the office building with her clothes from last night tied up in a plastic bag.

She knocked on Alex's door as he told her to come in as she shut the door behind her. "I bought you a gift, no underwear included." She said as he reached down on the floor for a box and held it out to her as she dropped the bag inside

"I'll get rid of it later, so how are you holding up?"

"Alright, to be honest with you I slept like a baby." She said as he smiled

"Don't we all, I guess that's something else the three of us have in common."

"Before I forget, I wanted to give you this." She said putting a folder on his desk

"What's this?"

"My resumé, after last night my chances of going anywhere are completely shot so, as a form of gratitude I will work for you, that is if the position is still available."

"Bella, you don't owe me anything, honestly."

"Well I certainly need you now, my mentor has mysteriously disappeared and without his approval my career and reputation is nonexistent, I'll take whatever you give me."

"Alright, have a seat." He said as he opened the folder and began to read through the paper
"Mrs. Perdue, I see you went to Harvard, that's pretty impressive."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm conducting an interview, you wanted a job so I gotta make sure you're qualified."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Yes, everyone around here was interviewed for their jobs and you won't be an exception, so go along with it please."

"Fine." She said rolling her eyes

"Are you related to anyone employed here?"

"Yeah, my brother is the co-owner."

"Mm, interesting, I see the striking resemblance in the face. Have you ever had an office romance in the past?"


"No, no, that's Mr. Andolini to you ma'am."

"No, and you won't have to worry about anything like that I'm happily married."

"Oh good, lastly are you okay with traveling?"


"Well congratulations you're hired." He said tossing the folder to the side and reached in a drawer for a book
"Let's talk money, what is your desired salary?"

"I won't break the bank and ask for a ridiculous amount, I will be fair and go for the starting rate of a first time lawyer." She said as he waved her off

"Nonsense, I'll pay you what you deserve, how's two hundred fifty sound for the year?"


"Yes thousand, that's about twenty five an hour. Does that sound reasonable to you?"

"Sure, I wasn't expecting anything over fifty."

"Good help is hard to find, especially those that I can trust. So when can you start?"

"How about today?"

"Perfect." He said as he began to write out a check and hand it to her
"Consider this a signing bonus for you to do whatever you please."

"Ten thousand, you're really being extra generous."

"Hey I bet no first year lawyer gets no better treatment than you're getting right now."

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