V. Newlyweds

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The two finally make it back to the room after a long day, but it was worth it in the end. After meeting and talking with people, taking pictures, and everything else, they both were ready to have some peace and quiet

"Can you believe it, we're finally married." He said taking off his tie

"I know, it all happened so fast, but I don't regret any of it. I'm happy it happened this way."

"Me too, and the best part is, I get to have you all to myself." He said taking off his suit jacket. "Why don't you go slip into something more comfortable and I'll be waiting for you when you come out." He said as he unzipped her dress

She went into the bathroom and carefully eased out of the dress. She really didn't have anything special to put on except for the body slip that she had on underneath her dress, so she kept that on as well and let her hair stay in the bun

She came out of the bathroom as he was already in the bed waiting for her. She stood there with butterflies in her stomach and sweaty palms as she tried not to be nervous

He motioned his hand for her to come as she slowly walked over to the bed. He scooted over and gently pulled her down on the bed. "You look beautiful." He said

"Thank you." She blushed as he pulled the covers over them and he slowly ran his hand across the front of her body while kissing her on the side of her neck

She tried to stifle her moans as his hand rose slowly up her body. He traveled back down her body again and began to lift her slip. Once he got it to her waist, he began to straddle her and continued to lift the slip while kissing her on the lips

He pulled the slip off and tossed it on the other side of the bed while he caressed the sides of her breast. He gently pushed her back as he bent down and depended the kiss. They both moaned as she was running her fingers through his hair and he was caressing her sides

He began to spread her legs as he settled himself between her. She felt his hard member through his boxers pressed against her thigh as she was burning up on the inside. He went to free himself when she stopped him. "Wait! I don't think I'm ready." She said panting

"What? Why?" He asked confused

"Because I.. I.. I'm a virgin." She said as her face was all red with embarrassment.

"A virgin? Wait, you mean to tell me, that as beautiful as you are, Frank never tried to have sex with you?"

"He did, but when he tried, he was always drunk and I didn't want him to hurt me. So when he would come home drunk, I would usually hide somewhere until he fell asleep, or didn't bother me anymore."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of, I promise I won't hurt you like him, okay?"


"Just relax. It will hurt for a few minutes but the main thing is, is to stay calm." He said taking off his boxers and wrapping her legs around his waist

Her heart was pounding as she felt his hard member touching her throbbing slit. Her mouth was dry and palms were sweaty as she tried to relax. He bent down again and began to kiss her on her jaw, then moved to her chin and began to nibble on it. "Relax." He whispered as he slowly began to push inside of her

She whimpered and tensed up as he started kissing her on the lips. He pushed further as she whimpered again and held onto his biceps

He pushed even more as she dug her fingernails into his biceps and bit down on his bottom lip. He pushed for the last time as she felt a pop, and whimpered in the kiss. He pulled out slowly and then pushed back in as she kept a firm hold on his biceps

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