XCIX: Locked Up

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The loud metal door closed behind Rebecca as she was afraid and distraught that she had to come to such a place.

On the ride to the facility she cried herself to sleep as she tried reaching out to Alex for help but he was so far away that he became a blur in her vision.

They shoved her inside a room as a balding heavy set, middle aged man was sitting behind a small desk. "Take off your clothes."


"I said take off your clothes." He repeated as she scoffed and held her arms close to her body

"No absolutely not." She said as he hits a button on the side of the desk and a red light turns on that's outside of the door

The door swings open as the same guard that pushed her in the room, pushed her against the wall and began forcefully yanking her clothes off as she tried to fight back by punching him in the face

"Let Me Go!" The man behind the desk gets up with a needle in his hand as he walks over.

"Hold her still." He said as he stuck Rebecca in the arm and it was like a wave of sleepiness began to wash over her
"That should settle you." He grinned as he went back to the desk while the guard continued to strip away at her clothes that now she was fully naked

"Nice little body you have there," He smirked as the guard began to fondle her ass

"Nice ass too."

"Stop this right now."

"Oh shut up you crazy ass bimbo." The guard said shoving her around and the one behind the desk threw a gown at her

"That's strike one missy, two more and you'll be punished." He said as Rebecca puts the gown on

"Alright move it."

She was put in line with other people who also had gowns on, but everyone else looked like drugged out zombies just going through the motions while some talked to themselves and rapidly looked from side to side in paranoia

Once it was Rebecca's turn to reach the front a nurse handed her a cup full of pills and a glass of water. "I don't want this."

"It's the rules that everyone takes their medicine."

"But I'm not on any medicine."

"Oh, so you think you're better than everyone else is that it?"

"No I don't, please can I speak to someone."

"Sure be my guest, down the hall to the left." The nurse pointed and smiled as Rebecca went on in the direction she was told to go

She reached a receptionist desk as a lady was sitting behind it going through different files. "Excuse me ma'am, I don't belong here and I would like to contact my husband."

"That's what they all say lady," The woman said dryly while not looking up at Rebecca

"I'm serious, I just got here and they're trying to make me take medicine, I need to call my husband."

"Fine, what's your name."

"Rebecca Andolini." The lady began to search through the new patient fills as Rebecca was ready to get out of there as quickly as possible

"There is no Rebecca Andolini."

"Oh yeah I forgot it's under Rebecca Lee now."

"Sure, listen how about I do you a favor and send some help." She said as she picked up the phone and dialed a number and soon another nurse comes from the back
"Nurse Fritz, could you help Mrs. Andolini or Lee, whichever she wants to be today to her special room please."

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